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☆ 22. Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

After Xu Mohuai left, Su Yan's palms were red and swollen, and the words she wrote were full of errors and omissions on the desk.

In addition, there is a slender copper stick for stirring incense ashes. The copper stick has hollow patterns and carved characters, and the workmanship is very exquisite.

However, no matter how beautiful something is, Su Yan will only feel upset after looking at it.

Xu Mohuai didn't specifically want to check her homework. He just wanted to torment her, see if she dared to be angry or dare not speak, and then burst into inappropriate laughter when her face turned red from embarrassment.

It was obvious that he was dissatisfied but wanted to find happiness in her.

Su Yan had never lived in such a miserable state for more than ten years. She was looked down upon and ridiculed by others, but she had to endure it.

All the maids in Zhenyueju have been changed. The new batch of maids are said to be from the palace, and they treat Su Yan with such meticulous care that she feels a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, they would no longer look at her strangely. Even if Su Yan didn't understand something, they would explain it to her patiently instead of showing contempt, let alone deliberately teasing her.

Among them, there was a maid named Bi He who treated Su Yan the best and helped correct her when her Mandarin language was not good. I heard from Bi He that her mother was from Qingshui County, a town not far from Yuntang Town, and Su Yan had heard of it.

Su Yan was forced to leave her hometown where she had lived for more than ten years, and was forced to come to the unfamiliar city of Chang'an. Faced with a group of strange and indifferent people, Bi He's arrival seemed to give her a little comfort, and she couldn't help but deliberately treat her closer. , if there is anything good, I want to share it with Bihe.

Bihe and the others came from the palace, and it was the first time they met a master like Su Yan who was so generous and easy to talk to. He was not picky about anything, and there was never a dish that was not to his liking during the meal. It didn't take long for me and Su Yan to get to know each other well, and they would often sit around and chat.

When it was midsummer, the heat was steaming, and Su Yan couldn't stay in the house any longer, so she took her people to the waterside pavilion to spend the summer.


Garden is not too far from Lin Mansion. When Xu Wanyin saw Lin Fu bringing his guards, he couldn't help but muttered: "Can I still sell you? What are you doing with your guards?"

Lin Fu coughed lightly. , said with a smile: "It's just that I'm used to having people follow me, and Aye has told me that if I don't take someone with me, he will be worried."

Xu Wanyin didn't really care about her, and said with a smile: " You have guards following you wherever you go, so you can't take her with you when you get married."

Lin Fu lowered his eyes and smiled, but did not answer.

When Xu Wanyin's maid came to help her when she got off the carriage, Lin Fu didn't move. She waited for the guard to reach out, and she gently put her hand over.

Lin Fu rarely left home, and never came to Qinghuan Garden. He just followed Xu Wanyin.

The sun was rising, and after walking for a while, the two of them became thirsty and broke into a thin sweat. Lin Fu couldn't help but said: "Princess, let's find a place to rest first."

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