CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions

Start from the beginning

Dark Shadow: 'I can't believe Toko is so quiet, Louie has done a great job of keeping my buddy sane and loved. I know he can't stop blushing at Louie's beauty, gosh she's so pretty! We picked a winner in a beautiful soul. Happy birthday Fumikage, my best friend. Thank you Louie for loving both of us, you truly are amazing.'

It was getting towards the end of the party, when Louie's phone went off in her pocket, non-stop. She groaned in exasperation. Excusing herself from the clean-up, she answered her phone on the balcony.

Louie: "Hello, Chewie Louie, who's calling please?" She answered politely.

A Sinful Woman's voice filled Louie's ears with dread on the other end of the line.

Tantris Vapoure: "Hello my Darling~, How's my lovely daughter doing?"

Louie: "Oh no you don't! Tantris Vapour, I am not falling for your wicked games this time!" She shouted into her phone, as she paced the floor.

Tantris Vapoure: "Well now, that is no way to treat your mother!" Tantris retorted. "I was calling to see if you have found a partner yet, as I have quite a selection for you to choose to marry."

Louie: "There will be no need for you to do that, as I have someone who is the most caring, poetic and charming man in my life. We are soul mates, and I don't need you or your dumbass LOV approval to marry this man when we are Pro-Heroes! Got that? You Low Life, Twisted, disgraceful creature who used to be my mother!" Louie angrily countered to her mother.

Tantris Vapour: "OH? I loved you my dear, until your father stole you from me! A heartbroken mother, and now you are becoming a Hero instead of a villain? Really?! Does my wonders never cease!"

Inside the common room, the rest of the class looked towards the demonstration outside.

Louie: "Cut the crap! You hurt my father and me, we left because of you. Did you really think that I would be villain?! You can stuff that idea up your arse for all I care."

The tears started to prick Louie's eyes, but she remained strong, never letting her voice faulter.

Tantris Vapoure: "Hmmm? Is that all? Be honest, I want to know how you really feel..." Tantris taunted Louie venomously.

Louie, heard the tone change, and just let it go through one ear and out of the other. She wanted her to be honest, here goes...

Louie: "BE HONEST?! Right, you abused me and my father. Left me crying as a small child in my bed with bruises and pretend everything is okay. My father loved you, until you went out and had many lovers behind his back, before fucking his best friend. Every time he asked you to change, you hurt him and me even more. You killed his parents..."

Tantris Vapoure: "How did you find out about that?!" She yelled down the phone, at Louie.

Louie pulled her phone away from ear from the volume produced the shrieking banshee on the other end, wincing slightly. Louie smirked, confidently.

Louie: "That is none of your business Tantris. Anyway~ what was I saying? Ah yes, about you being the worst mother! I saw how my father kept me safe from your schemes and kidnappings, to make me into your 'Little Villain' You killed my grandparents, and you sent a hitman to kill the one person who stood by me in my life. That was the most important person in my heart. You, took him away from me you Bitch! I can never forgive you for that."

Tantris chuckled with delight. She knew how she broke her only daughter, but didn't care. Showing no remorse or regret at all.

Tantris: "Now, who's sounding like villain? You owe me. I want what's mine, your father owes me, but he's not here no more, so you'll have to give it to me. Yes, I killed your father's family members, but they had to go. Tomorrow is your birthday; I have gift for you. Come to the co-ordinates after this call, and collect it. If I have to kill you for not siding with the villains, so be it. I will get what I deserve. You mean nothing to me child."

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