Chapter 26: Wind of Changes

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Over the weekend, we visited the Boston-Nick household, where Ray was playing on the floor with Iris while I sat on the couch with Nick and Boston.

"Did your father suggest that you join his workforce?" Nick inquired.

"Yeah..." I nodded absentmindedly, distracted by Ray's endearing interaction with Iris.

"What's holding you back, though? Your father's right. There aren't many opportunities for you at the Bank, especially in higher positions which will likely be filled by family," Nick agreed with my father, as did Boston, nodding in consent.

"Alternatively, you could work for me, Babe. I admire your ideas, and I believe you'd be a valuable addition to my company," Ray suggested, smiling as he continued playing with Iris.

"Ray, we've discussed this," I interjected.

"Yeah, if you work for him, you'll forever be his bitch. No matter how skilled you are, people won't recognize it because they'll think you got the position through your relationship," Boston stated matter-of-factly. "Working for your father might be your best option. It's expected for a son to work for his parents, so even if they resent that you were given the opportunity, they'll acknowledge your value once you prove yourself," he added.

"But does that mean I'll always be at odds with Top?" I questioned them.

"Your father's offering a position, not necessarily appointing you as the chosen heir. If Top is smart, instead of spending the time hating you, he should just work his ass off to achieve that 30% your Dad demanded," Boston responded frankly.

"Moreover, didn't you want to show your stepmother a lesson?" Nick added cautiously, avoiding harsh language for Iris' sake.

"What about the adoption issue?" Alan pondered aloud.

"Ray, what's your take on this?" Nick turned to Ray.

"Accept it. He deserves half of everything. It'll also be easier for him to gain support from the company directors if he's a legitimate heir," Ray replied.

"I agree," Boston chimed in.

"Then it's settled. Alan, you've been outnumbered. We all think you should take it. There's nothing to lose. You don't have to acknowledge your stepmother anywhere else except on official papers. Your father wants to make amends; let him. He's old and regrets not being there for the first part of your life," Nick summarized.

"Looks like I'll have to navigate being at odds with Top indefinitely then?" I shrugged.

"It's reminiscent of when Top took Boeing from you back in university. Oh, what fun," Nick sarcastically reminisced.

"Did your ex ever achieve his pursuit of the good life?" Boston inquired.

"Ton, don't irritate me today," Nick scolded him, recalling the Boeing incident.

Raising his hands in surrender, "Apologies, babe, just curious!" Ray laughed at Boston's remark, and I couldn't help but join in.

"Nick, you're leaving in a few days. Could you stay in Thailand a bit longer?" I pleaded.

"What about me? I'm accompanying Nick to the US, remember?" Boston almost pouted.

"You can ask Ray," Alan suggested.

"Nah, I only want Iris to stay, my pretty little flower! Ton can go back," Ray joked, hugging Iris.

"Ugh, sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you guys!" Ton sighed, standing up to head towards the kitchen, probably for more beer. I presumed Ray would be driving home tonight.

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