A Freaking Goddess

Start from the beginning

    I stood from the chair, still gaping at my new hairstyle, and followed Lexi out of the salon. As we walked, Lexi kept looking back at me with a smile revealing all of her gloriously white teeth.

    "I swear that did magic. You look like a freaking goddess."

    Climbing into her vehicle, I buckled my seatbelt as she started the engine and viciously backed out of the parking space.

    "You remember I'm going to that art show tonight, right?"

    Lexi's eyebrows surface over her enormous sunglasses. "Yeah, yeah. That's right. Art show. Hey listen, when do you think you're coming back from that? I was going to have Hayden come over with some buddies and play some COD, you know?"

    I rolled my eyes. How could I be related to her in blood? "It's in the city and it really is a two day event, so I was just going to spend the night at the Plaza, since it won't be over until 11 anyway."

    "Damn, staying up late, aren't we?" She teased.

    I rolled my shoulders to release some tension in them. We were passing the mall. "Could we go look for a dress or something? I've ruined my last three already."

    Lexi shook her head. She turned the radio from my preferred country station to the pop station and cranked the volume up. She laughed. "You can just take a couple of mine!"

    With Lexi's insane driving skills and desire to get home in a hurry, she made the normal 25 minute drive in a solid 10 minutes and 34 seconds. Not her best, but still scared the shit outta me.

    "So, when you say you're going to play COD with Hayden and some of his friends..." I began piecing her puzzle together. "Are you saying you're going to be doing a threesome again?"

    She laughed and then turned to look at the yard. "Did that lawn boy do the yard recently?"

    I shrugged, noting that she had ignored my question. "I dunno. He said he knows when it should be done.."

    "Call him. Tell him it needs to be done. What's his name again? Piedro?" She was acting more and more like a ditz.

    "What?" I snorted.

    "Pablo? I don't know! He's mexican is all I know!"

    That made me laugh. "Just because he's well tanned doesn't make him Mexican, Lex."

    She rolled her eyes. "Will you just have him do it?"

    I stared at her as she walked up to the house, her blond hair a mess in the wind. "Fine," I mutter. "But I'm not freaking calling him. He lives on our driveway,"

    I climb onto my dirtbike, put my helmet on, and rev my baby to life. Georgiana. Taking off down the driveway, I went two miles down before pulling into Tucker's humble abode.

    My parents were traveling agents; they literally traveled the globe several times a month. They also made a buttload of money for it. However, they were gone 10 months out of the year. They made sure we were well taken care of and had plenty of human interaction. Tucker, the college student who lived on our property, was supposed to be one of those humans we interact with on a daily basis. He was the groundskeeper. The cabin my parents had built for him was a small log house with a cute stone chimney coming from the roof. Straight out of Little Red Riding Hood.

    I killed the engine and removed my helmet before dumping both the helmet and bike on the grass and marching up the porch. I pounded on the door three times and waited for him to open up. When there was no sign of disturbance after 30 seconds, I pounded on the door again, this time to hear a satisfying complaint.

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