"Lily? You ok? Pretty sure I'm supposed to be the emotional one here!"

Lilith nodded and leaned back, "I-I know. I'm just so...so happy for you."

Eda grinned and squeezed her tight, "Thanks, Lils. Hay, any plans for you and 'GooDaddy' to give Evan a little sibling?"

"Absolutely not," Lilith shoved her away GENTLY, "Never. He'll just have to be ok with the outrageous amount of cousins you and Raine will give him."

"Ha! No." Eda shook her head, smile never dropping, as she led the way back to the house, "Like I told Raine: one and done. I am perfectly happy with just Amber and this one. And I was just teasing you, you know."

Lilith sighed and rolled her eyes. She smiled as Evan wiggled out of Raine's arms and toddled towards her.

"Mama! Mama!"

She stooped down to catch him once more, "Now, Little Prince, you know better than to run away from Titi Raine like that."

"I run to Mama!" He insisted.

"Yes, well, now we get to run home to Papa."


"That's right," She booped him on the nose, "Now say goodbye to Amber, Aunt Eda, and Titi Raine."

"Buh Bye!"

"Bye Bye, Evan!" Amber waved, still holding onto Raine's led with one hand, "Mama, Zaza, can we have an Evan that stays here?"

Lilith bit her lip and turned to go. Raine laughed behind her.

Actually, Mia Piquena, your mama and I have something we wanted to talk to you about."


Darius looked up from his pan when the door opened.

"Welcome home," he leaned back to look into the living room, "Dinner's nearly done. I wasn't expecting you to stay at your sister's so long."

"Hi, Papa!"

His smile softened, "Hello, Little Prince."

Lilith settled Evan into his playpen where Bell and Socks were quick to join him. Then she went over to her desk and pulled out her paperwork. Darius stepped up behind her and put one hand on her shoulder.

"You didn't fight with Edalyn again, did you?" He asked.

She shook her head, pulling over a new paper.

"Ok. Not that. Bad day at the Palace?"

She shook her head again, "No. It's...It's good news mostly..."

"Then what–"

"Would you be willing to make another baby blanket?" She turned to look at him.

Darius straightened, "What?"

Lilith broke into a shaking smile, "Edalyn and Raine are going to have a baby. I think it would be nice if you made them a blanket like you did for Amber and Evan."

"Oh..." He looked down at Evan in the playpen, "Oh. Yes. I could do that. But where does the 'mostly' come into play?"

Lilith turned back to her paperwork and hung her head, "Belos still wants me to bring Edalyn in."

He closed his mouth with a snap.

"He says he can cure her curse. I WANT to believe him. I WANT him to be able to cure her," the edges of her paper crinkled under her grip, "But I don't. I can't. Not after what he did to Jesper. I can't trust that he wouldn't hurt her. Or Raine, or Amber, or the baby. If he even found out who Evan is..."

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