A Birthday in Ibiza

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Inés's birthday arrived, and Trent had prepared a surprise that would take her to the enchanting shores of Ibiza. The allure of the island, with its sun-kissed beaches and vibrant nightlife, promised a celebration befitting the joyous occasion.

As they strolled along the pristine coastline, basking in the glow of the setting sun, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the sudden intrusion of flashing cameras. The tabloids had caught wind of the mysterious woman by Trent's side, and the headlines screamed, "Trent Alexander-Arnold's Secret Companion: Who is She?"

The news spread like wildfire, and Trent's fan base, fueled by curiosity and perhaps a tinge of jealousy, turned their attention towards Inés. Negative comments flooded her social media, attacking her appearance, questioning her worthiness of being with Trent, and demanding answers.



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                                         4/4InesMontalvo: Exploring the enchanting beauty of Ibiza hand in hand with my beloved

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InesMontalvo: Exploring the enchanting beauty of Ibiza hand in hand with my beloved. 💖
Liked by: trentarnold66, mateomontalvo, andyrobertson26, codymathesgakpo and 500,679 others

trentarnold66: I love you so much, Inés Montalvo. Glad to share these moments with you that make us both happy. Can't wait for many more!❤️
^ InesMontalvo: I love you more than you ever know.💋
^ messimakestea: Ew why would you choose her over any one. She has nothing
^ SalahShowerSong: You're just mad you can't be with him, no need to hate on a gorgeous girl!

mateomontalvo: So proud to see you happy! I WANT EVERY DETAIL WHEN YOU COME HOME!!
^ InesMontalvo: You're always the first person I tell.
^ KlopponWood: Brother is hot, but she's not? Must be adopted!!

andyrobertson26: Why are you taking my boyfriend from me, first it was Dominik. Now you, ugh you people need a life.
^ InesMontalvo: Wasn't saying all that when me, you, and Dominik were gossiping last night, this scouser has no memory🤦🏻‍♀️
^ andyrobertson26: please still bring me back a souvenir!
^ szoboszlaidominik: Don't bring him one back, he'll end up breaking it☠️

NeymarNoodle: She's friends with all his teammates, smh smh

Comments Limited

In the quiet of their Airbnb the next morning, Trent awoke to find Inés in the bathroom, curled up on the floor, tears streaming down her face. His heart sank as he rushed to her side, the weight of the cruel comments echoing in his mind.

"Inés, love, what happened?" Trent asked, his voice filled with concern.

"They're saying horrible things, Trent. They're tearing me apart," Inés whispered, her vulnerability laid bare.

Trent held her close, offering comfort and reassurance. He whispered words of love, reminding her of her beauty and the strength that radiated from within her. As the sobs subsided, Trent led Inés to a full-length mirror.

He gently kissed every inch of her body, leaving a trail of love and affirmation. "Your beauty transcends what anyone says. Every part of you is perfect, and I love it all."

Inés, still fragile but touched by Trent's genuine affection, felt a sense of healing in his embrace. Trent reached for her circular glasses, placing them delicately on her face.

"You're the only one I want, Inés. They don't define you; our love does," Trent whispered, the sincerity in his eyes reflected in the mirror.

As they stood together, hand in hand, the scars of the hurtful comments faded into the background. In that intimate moment, Inés found strength in Trent's unwavering love, and the echoes of negativity were drowned out by the whisper of affirmation and the promise of a love that transcended the cruelty of the world.



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