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It's suddenly really cold, and my whole body feels numb. I disregard it, eyes dragging open to reveal a void. Darkness. One moment I was in my comfortable bed and now I'm lying in a large, black, empty void. Sitting up, I evaluate my surroundings. Nothing but void.

I'm dreaming

I seem to realize a little too late, though it is a bit strange that a section of my own brain is unfamiliar to me. I stand up. The floor feels weird under my feet, as in it somehow felt both soft and solid at the same time, as if there wasn't really a floor underneath, but instead some kind of force pulling me in place, a force I can't see or comprehend.
Walking forward felt like I'm walking on air. Would I be walking forward in a void? Is forward even a real thing in a void?
Despite my own questions, I keep walking. I don't really know why. Maybe I'll see something if I just keep moving. Do I even want to see anything? I'm going to wake up at some point anyways so what's the point?


I stop in place, turning around and trying to find the source of the sound. It sounded kind of like a door opening. The longer I searched the seemingly endless void, the more it seemed like I was hearing things. I turned around completely and was met face to face with a large door. It startled me a little, because I was sure that the door hadn't been there before. The door was slightly open and I could see a white light seeping through the crack.
Obviously, I hesitated to walk inside. I've often been accused of having "trust issues" which, while I totally agree, I dislike such labels. I trust what I know.
Once inside, it was... Another void, only, in white this time. This is starting to feel like a joke.


I zip around to the familiar voice. The door that was previously directly behind me was  gone again and in its place, multiple feet behind me, was Maria.
You might think I'd be excited to see her in such a vivid dream like this, but I hate it. The feeling of my stomach dropping is all too familiar and it almost hurts. I don't like remembering her. Sure, I hold her in my heart dearly, but I'm much better off without her swimming in my mind.
She's walking towards me now and I take in a breath, feeling her soft hands against my muzzle as she leans in. I feel like I'm being touched by a goddess in a way, as she places a soft kiss on my forehead.
I've had many dreams like this and you'd think it would get old, but every time I feel like I want to cry. I shut my eyes tightly for a moment, still feeling her hands against my cheeks, stroking them with the tenderness of a mother comforting her child.
When I opened my eyes I was then met with a completely different face. Those all too familiar and cheery emerald spheres stabbed into mine like daggers. It was sonic, of course. He wasn't usually in my dreams, so this was a curious surprise.
His hands rested on my cheeks and... They still felt like Maria's- tender and loving.
I'm starting to get nervous, trying to decipher what this could all mean.


There was a soft finger over my lip now.

"Stop thinking so hard..."

The finger slipped down my lip, and suddenly sonic disappeared before my eyes. I was left frozen in this godforsaken void, completely alone again. My maw hung open slightly as I stared forward, trying to make sense of this whole situation. Something wet rolled down my face and I held my hand up to my cheek, staring at the warm, clear liquid on my finger.

I'm crying...

It's odd, because I hardly feel like I'm crying, but I am. I wonder if I'm crying in the real world. How silly. That such a thing so small and stupid would make me cry.
I suppose I shouldn't dwell on it, and I slowly turn around to, yet again, be met with a new scene.
Seems like every turn I make is something new. Now it's just me, a table short enough for a child, two tiny chairs and that small rabbit I have grown a bit attached to.

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