Crappy day in health class

16 1 4

Yup, title says all. The first thing I did was write things down on a piece of paper in "X"amount of time, and one of them was NFL players and I didn't know any! 😢 I then start to cry because the topic was about stress, and we all know that I can't handle that, I see stress as a negative thing. I then drew a bunch of frowny faces on the paper and I have a mental/physical breakdown and I was crying to myself, i was thinking of my cat Rigel when this happened so that didn't help my situation at all. At some point it's 3 something in the afternoon and I walk out of class when the bell rings, and I'm walking down this long freakin' hallway to get to my dads car and I hear "where's insert real name here?" I then walk faster down the long hallway to avoid awkwardness or whatever. I was crying when I got to my dads car, I explained everything to him and he talked to my school's principal so that this shouldn't happen again.
(I'm just crying when I left, my dad got mad at the school for that) I had an anxiety attack that day.. (My health teacher is a dirtbag)

This is a real story.

- Blu 🩵

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