Im pretty sure you people (or just a person idk)already know that this will be shit so I think I'm gonna stop saying that. Should I do Boris Pavlikovky x Theo one shots? I hope you guys know them.

3rd person POV (what's going on)

Eddie and Richie were hanging out alone since the rest of the losers were busy. They were just talking to each other and walking around until Richie found a tree that was perfect to climb.

Richies POV

"Eds look it's a tree!" I yell when I notice a perfect tree to climb. "Richie don't tell me your gonna-", I stop Eddie before you continue and yell "I'm gonna climb the tree!", Eddie just looked at me as I ran over to the tree and started to climb it.

"Richie you are so stupid!" Eds yelled at me, sounding annoyed.I was already half way up the tree and had a big grin across my face. I kept climbing until I made it to the highest branch I could get too. "Eds you look pretty short down there!" I yelled and Ed's looked at me and yelled "Stop calling me Ed's, you know I hate it!", Eddie yelled back. I just laughed and started climbing down from the tree. I was about half way down when my foot slipped and I fell out of the tree,landing on the ground with a large thump. Eddie ran over to me with a concerned look on his face. "Are you ok Rich?" Eddie said with concern in his voice. I looked up at him and said "yea I'm fine,but me back really hurts",I tried sitting up but my back was hurting to much. Eddie noticed and helped me sit up. I was wincing in pain while I was sitting up but it was bearable."Richie are you sure your ok? It seems like your in a lot of pain". Eddie asked,I responded with saying "my back really hurts" I had tears forming in my eyes from all of the pain. Eddie asked if he could check my back and I said yea. Eddie lifted the back of my shirt to reveal my back with a huge cut from my shoulder to my hip. My back was also bruising really bad. "Richie this looks really bad", Eddie said with concern still in his voice. "Can I clean your back up really quickly?" Eddie asked . "Yea,but make it quick it's really hurting". I had a tear running down my cheek from the pain. Eddie started to clean my cut with rubbing alcohol from his fanny pack. It caused me to flimch in more pain and wince. "It's ok Rich,I'm just cleaning it", he put his hand on my shoulder and used the other one to continue cleaning the cut. After he finished he but something over the cut so it wasn't touching my shirt or anything and would heal easily. "Are you done yet Ed's?" I asked,hoping he would say yes. "yea I'm done Rich,you probably need to lay down though,but not on your back" Eddie said. I was relieved that he was done,"ok" I responded. I rubbed my eyes and then looked at Eddie. He looked back at me with concern on his face. He didn't say anything and hugged me. I obviously hugged him back and none of us said anything. We just hugged each other. After about a minute we pulled away from each other. "do you want to go home?", I nodded my head and slowly got up. Eddie quickly stood up and helped me. We walked home and talked the whole time.

Help why is this so cringe,I don't know how to end this crack so yea👍

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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