"After dark."// Part 4

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We came up to the park bench. "You guys wanna get high? Four bucks a hit." I offered the guys. "Let's trip." " for sure." They said to each other and handed me the money. I passed them, Evie and Tracy the drugs. "Pay me back later." We headed over to more guys. "Making bank tonight girl!" I smirked. "You guys wanna buy some shit?" Evie asked nodding her head over to me. "Yeah." One said. "Yeah. What you got?" They came closer to me, waiting.

We were high with a group of guys i don't even know more than three of their names but it didn't matter. We were laughing and running about in the park not even realising or caring how late it was. I smoked a blunt as we spun on the equipment. Some guy sat beside me. He was alright looking but in that moment i swear he was the hottest guy i'd ever seen. I kissed him roughly as he rubbed my thigh. I passed my blunt to my other friends as me and the boy got closer. Eventually we ended up in the grass, i rolled on top of the boy and he wrapped his arms around my ass squeezing my waist. "You're so hot." He's said to me in between kisses. "Yeah?" I replied kissing him. My friends blabbed in about some random thing's talking about naked people or something. My mind wasn't on them though just booking up with this guy. "Come with me." I rolled off him as he led me into the bathrooms. He picked a stall and brought me in. I kissed him roughly and he then sucked on my neck. He pulled his trousers down and gave me a look. I understood what he meant. Before my brain could even focus i was sucking this guys dick and i will admit not my greatest moments but who cares. I sucked him off as he roughly grabbed my hair, moaning. After he finished we came back out and the sprinkler turns on. We all ran and danced in the water. I ditched that guy and joined my friends. I screamed and hugged Tracy. "Ah j love you guys." Evie yelled as we ran around. The boys half stripped from their clothes, running about. I saw Mason coming towards us and quickly ran to Tracy who's as spinning around in circles. "Trace, Mason!" I dragged her over with the help of James, my friend. "Get up Evie, we're going." I dragged her up. "Come on Trace." Mason grabbed her hand. "Where'd you go girl?" Evie laughed nudging me. "His dick tasted nasty!" I laughed hysterically as Trace turned round to us. "You sucked him off." I nodded and we started laughing louder.
back at the house
Mason opened the door for us and we spilled into the house. "I found her, Mom." He lightly smiled at his Mother. Mason went off to his room. "i'll be back in a minute." I winked at Evie. She smirked and went over to Tracy to stop her from making a mess. " Hey Effy." He weakly smiled. "Hey Mason, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing." He replied and it fell silent. "You free now?" He asked me. "Yeah, i cant be gone too long though, Tracy will go looking for me." I smiled. "Come with me, i have weed." He smirked. "Ahhh yay." I ran into his room and threw myself on his desk chair. "Don't soak my room." He joked and shut his door. "I won't, don't worry." I nudged him. "So...weed?" He offered, lighting a blunt and passing it to me. "Thankyou." I smirked and took a drag, Mason watched me inhale and exhale. He had a small smirk on his face. He nodded towards the bed and i followed suit. We lay on his bed not beside each other but my legs over his legs. We passed the blunt back and forward. " Wanna listen to music?" He asked me. j nodded my head. He leaned over and turned on music before turning back to me. "So how long have you known Tracy?" He asked getting closer to me. "About two days." I chuckled and put out the blunt. "What about Evie?" Mason leaned closer again. "Two or three years? Didn't see you in school today." I replied to him with a smirk growing wider on my face. "I was, just went out back to smoke during lunch, surprised you were in school to notice.I rarely see you" He shrugged smirking at me. Mason placed a hand on my exposed stomach and it sent shivers up my spine. "So you look for me?" I got closer to him. "We'll yeah, kinda." His voice quietened and it grew soft and oh my god it was hot. "Mhm." I raised my eyebrows and got closer to him. "Mhm." He mocked me and closed the gap between us and locked lips. Mason pulled me on to straddle him now and the kiss grew hotter and a make out session grew from that.

About an hour
I was underneath the fair haired boy now as he kissed my neck hard and rough. The action caused me to moan slightly and my head rolled to the other side and his alarm clock came into view. I realised i had been gone for an hour and no doubt about it the girls would be wondering where i'd gone off too. "Shit, Mason. It's been an hour i should be getting back." I groaned. "Ten more minutes." Mason told me as he kissed my collarbone. "Sorry, i'll see you tomorrow." He rolled off of me and i kissed his cheek, smirking before grabbing my handbag and walking out of his room towards to house. I could feel his stares like lasers in my back. I hoped they wouldn't be awake and my prayers were clearly answered because when i had entered the room the girls were fast asleep. It was too late to walk home so i threw on small black shorts with a pink tank top i had found in her drawers. Taking out my hoops i tied up my hair and crawled into bed with my two girls. After a moment i felt Evie roll over to me and hold me. "I love you girl." I whispered. "I love you to bitch." She kissed my cheek.

Desperate // Mason Freeland x Elizabeth Smith//Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя