Running free

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Excitement POV

I'm currently running for my fucking life through piles of Birdman crap, with my saviour and my ex galloping alongside me. I am NOT happy. My feet are gonna stink for weeks and it's hard to get normal muck out from between my catty toes. I'm actually pretty unhappy that Mabel let Mongoose man come with us, but I think I'd start missing him if we left him behind, and maybe stop liking Mabel so much. That would be a shame, because I WANT to like Mabel but if I were travelling alone with her I somehow think that would change...

The Birdmen haven't noticed us yet, the brain-dead creatures that they are, but when they do we'll have shit on our hands (not that we don't already, lol). There are so many crowding around the pinnacle entrance and it's really quite a sight. The only problem with them being up there is that they are literally all having a shit. There is poo raining down on all sides, and Mabel is now wearing a little guano hat that actually looks quite cute. We're running to the wall of the cave, we're nearly there...

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