Uh Oh

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1 Hour Goes By, Mr. Simmons wraps up the lesson of the the day and gives us 5 minutes of free time to get to know our classmates. I sit in my chair as no one approaches me to start a conversation. I take my headphones out of my pocket that were wrapped around my phone and put them in my ear as I press play on the song 🎶 "Streetcar By Daniel Caesar." I hum along with the beat and I feel a tap on my shoulder and take an earbud out, "Hm?" Owen tilts his head and says "What are you listening to?" I show him my phone of the music playing and he narrows his eyes.

"Nice.." he says uninterested, I nod and put the earbud back in as I hear the bell ring and take my folded schedule out my pocket and read the next class, "Alegbra II.. Great." I walk in and see Fern and she looks back, her eyes widen as she gets up from her seat and joins me "I am so glad you are here, I hate everybody in this class." She whispered in my ear. I laugh and we sit next to each other in the way back, Our teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Calvin, she looked around 50 you know.. white curly bob, wrinkles near her eyes and forehead the basic stereotypical geometry white teacher. The class ended but it felt like a short time since Fern and I were sending notes to each other back and forth but we didn't do anything else in that class but hear the teacher's life story.

One last class before lunch, I wave Fern goodbye as we both go opposite sides of the hallway. Time for Art World History, I groan quietly and walk into the class it smelled sweet like coconut and strawberries, The teacher comes up to me and greets me "Hello Mai, I am your AP World History Mr. Montgomery it's a pleasure to have you here in my class!" He hands me some snacks and smiles before walking away to greet other students. "What a nice teacher." I say to myself as I pop a sweet in my mouth.

Some minutes pass by and I notice someone walked into the classroom as I turn my head Mr. Montgomery says "Owen, how nice of you to join us.. Late!" He says sarcastically Owen shrugs his shoulders as he walks over to his assigned seat, he walks past me and he gives me a slight look before sitting down and lies his head down. I smile to myself thinking about going home after this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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