Great.... Brats..

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'This fucking elevator is so long, why did I have to be on the top floor? I'm starting to regret that I bought the suite' Avrora sighed it was taking so long she decided to come up some ideas and for their clothes the celeb didn't gave a good description of them she just said 'I have brother and we have a colour scheme my brother is blue and gold, mine is purple' And that was it not a good description but avrora just has to try, with many concept ideas she stuck with this



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Avrora texted the celeb if these designs were good enough and she said yes Avrora felt pretty good with the designs except for the last one but the celeb said it was good enough and besides this Was the best out of all of it, The elevator dinged, Avrora was at the first floor she quickly packed up her stuff and opened the elevator door. As she walk out people still kept whispering, some whispered 'how can this plebian girl afford to stay here it ruins crystal Hotels image' they're probably saying that because Im wearing my cozy outfit while others whisper 'isn't she the girl who proved the receptionist wrong? Isn't she like hella rich?' which makes avrora more proud about herself even when avrora left the hotel people just whisper at her every so often 'I guess having a sucky outfit is a trend here' Avrora let out a annoyed sigh

Time skip

It took hours to find the right fabrics at mount rageous "why do they only have a sell trash fabrics?!" Avrora was pretty much pissed she even dropped her coffee awhile back making her pissed off now, avrora went inside the crystal hotel still people whispering about her, avrora didn't care at this point on she just wants to lay down on her bed and sleep but nooo she has to sew these people's outfits, she walked up to the elevator and pressed the 1st floor. It was taking to long she pressed it again and again and again she couldn't wait any longer 'WHO THE FUCK IS ON THE TOP FLOOR DAMN IT' Avrora thought then finally the door opened it was Veneer "Well hello aga-" Avrora grabbed Veneer by the collar off his shirt and threw him outside of the elevator avrora is in no mood of talking to people right now she pushed the close button leaving veneer flabbergasted and a little hate towards the girl Veneer left the hotel cursing under his breath "Such a rude person" Veneer said under his breath

Back with avrora, she was finally in her room 'AT LAST RESTING TIME' Avrora ploped herself in the bed she was enjoying the soft mattress and the cold air from the ac then she realised that she's meeting these celebs in 4 days  She groaned loudly she needs to get back to work again she forcefully got up and started to cut and sew the fabrics. Avrora did this for days then she finally did it at the 5th day avrora was pretty proud how it turned out she was hoping that these two celebs could understand why she was a day late Avrora plopped herself in the bed and started to relax and drift off to sleep.

Next day

It was finally time that avrora gets to meet these two celebs she put on her iconic look the one she get whispers on the street yeah that one avrora looked at her phone it said they're going to be meeting them at the boom box. Avrora didn't know mount rageous much so it took her hours to locate where the boom box was until finally she made it, she walked inside and the guards didn't even notice her because of the huge crowd when she was finally went inside she saw two teenagers performing.  'Sweet dreams'

"I travelled the world and the seven seas everybody's looking for something"   Avrora heard that voice and it sounded very similar she pushed her way up to the front and saw "VENEER?" Avrora shouted, Veneer looked at the person who screamed his name and saw that girl again 'HER?! AGAIN?!' Veneer thought luckily it was the end of their performance, veneer and velvet were backstage and they heard a knock "CRIMP! Can you please answerw that instead of hovering around?" velvet 'politely' asked crimp "Uhm of course, right away velvet" crimp said sheepishly, she opened the door and saw her that kind girl she saw "Oh! What are you doing here!" crimp asked the girl "Can you please stop With the questions?" Avrora asked the paper thing "Oh uhm so sorry, Uhm Velvet there is a girl here" Velvet got up her seat and shoved crimp away "Well Hello!" Velvet put on a fake kind smile Avrora just rolled her eyes and walked pass velvet making velvet's eye twitch once she was inside veneer freaked out "WHY ARE FOLLOWING ME?! ARE YOU A STALKER?!" Veneer said freaking out velvet patted veneer back "My sweet, sweet brother that is our fashion designer" it took veneer a couple of seconds to realise that it wasn't a stalker "Noww..... LET ME SEE THE DESIGNS" Velvet was excited to see them, Avrora opened the suitcase and.... "Ooh this is so goo-" Veneer got cut off by velvet "Eh it's not my type can you make a new one?" Once avrora heard those words she was screaming inside She let out a deep sigh and forced a smile on her face "I can try because of my time schedule" Avrora gritted her teeth she hated people saying they hate it once they saw the finished thing she literally said it was fine but then NO?! "Now go on make us new designs chop chop" Avrora quickly shut the suitcase and walked outside and slammed the door but before she slammed the door she saw a diamond perfume with something in it but she didn't mind it at All she started walking away from the boom box while cursing under her breath "Great... I'm going to be working with brats JUST GREAT!" Avrora screamed
And people just start looking at her


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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