Yes... 10 years, and Ayato had never been able to muster up the guts to tell (M/N) about his true feelings. He would've blamed it on the situation or a lack of opportunity, never his own trepidation, but there he was, realizing it might be too late to confess now.

He watched from a distance as (M/N) walked out into the courtyard, approaching his sister, Ayaka as he watched her do her daily sword practice. Ever since Ayaka had picked up the blade, having the master samurai coach and instruct her was only natural, even if (M/N) was only slightly older.

Ayato frowned slightly as he stood on the veranda, watching (M/N) put his hands on Ayaka, adjusting and fixing her posture by touching her shoulder, arm and waist. That should be him out there. He should be the one that the samurai gazes at so happily, so longingly. He wanted to the one that blushed and giggled as (M/N) held his hand, adjusting his grip, not Ayaka.

Dropping his poker face momentarily to let his jealousy surface, he didn't even notice the other member of the Kamisato household beside him, also watching the two.

"They look like they're made for each other, don't they?" Thoma sighs, his chin in his hand as he leaned against the wooden railing. Ah, right, Ayato had forgotten that he wasn't the only one suffering from those two together. The loyal housekeeper, Thoma, was just as unhappy about this situation.

It was common news to everyone but (M/N) and Ayaka that Thoma had always been smitten with the youngest Kamisato. Ever since the first day he'd laid eyes on her, it was instantaneous. Back when they were younger, it'd been a source of constant teasing and fun jokes, as were Ayato's feelings about his bodyguard, but now, they were two entire worlds of hurt.

"They do look..." Ayato swallowed the cold feeling in his throat away, "...perfect together." He tore his eyes away from the scene, balling up his fists in frustration as he walked away to his study. No, he couldn't give up hope yet... If he could survive leading the entire Yashiro commission at age 15, he could certainly seduce an attractive samurai... right? It was too early to give up hope.

The sound of Ayaka's giggling and (M/N)'s cheerful conversation quickly became background noise as Ayato walked further into the mansion.

Thoma, Ayaka, (M/N), Ayato... what a fucked up love polygon.

(M/N) had been noticing odd behaviour from Ayato lately. He knew that his employer didn't believe he could see his sulking or his dull stares, but of course, he always noticed the little things. Sometimes, he wondered if he should ask what was wrong, as whatever was paining his friend seemed to be quite heavy, but he always decided against it.

He didn't want to endanger their relationship, nor make Ayato uncomfortable. If he knew anything about the man, it was that he liked to get straight to the point, but even with (M/N)'s directness, he didn't think that such a forwards confrontation would help him fix the situation. For the most part, he tried to push the matter to the back of his mind. He was supposed to protect Ayato, not be his therapist.

Besides, he didn't want to muddy their relationship for a multitude of reasons. Work and income for basics, but also his conflicted feelings. (M/N) was never one for love or sappy romance, but this blue haired man was... different, there was no doubt about it. He didn't know when he'd started thinking about more than a simple camaraderie with Ayato, but the thought constantly plagued him. There was just one issue pervasive in every corner of his mind.

Out of my league.

In (M/N)'s mind, Kamisato Ayato was untouchable, the apple in the garden of Eden that he was forbidden to touch, but like Eve, he too, longed for the sweet fruit. Adored by basically every woman and man alike in Inazuma, there was no way a simple samurai even had a chance. Sure, ladies had told him that he was attractive before, but he didn't think that he could be compared to the total dreamboat that was Ayato.

Perhaps that was why he'd latched on so firmly to Ayaka, his little sister. She reminded him of his own belated childhood, when he was ever so close with Ayato. He told himself that he was only the girl's coach and sword instructor and nothing but, however, he knew that this was merely a crappy coping mechanism for his internalized feelings.

(M/N) was aware that Ayaka had feelings for him, but he didn't quite have the heart to reject her, not after all his friendliness. After all, he was always more of the wait for a confession types and even if she did confess, he'd say no on the spot... right?

He rubbed his head as he stepped down the wooden halls, making his way to his study. As a top-notch bodyguard and protector, he was certain that he could pinpoint the source and reasoning behind Ayato's attempted assassination. While he assumed that it was the regular grudge or annoyed ally, he could never be too safe.

After a night of studying and investigating the details with the case, apart from being quite sleep-deprived, he found nothing out of the ordinary. Just a bunch of second rate thugs hellbent on doing whatever job for junkie money. Totally harmless–well, as harmless as an assassination attempt could be.

The singular detail that he noticed was a red string earring on every body when he went out to investigate near midnight, under the cover of darkness as he oversaw the cleanup process. He surmised it was some gang sign or new fashion trend; nothing but a minute detail of no consequence.

(M/N) returned to Kamisato Estate in the early hours of the morning, not expecting anyone to be awake. He walked over to the kitchen, or rather, dining area, intending to take a couple shots of espresso or alcohol to keep him awake, whatever was closer to him at the time. To his displeasure, the caffeine was indeed in arm's length on the table, so he grabbed some, wondering if taking straight coffee powder would worsen or better the headache.

A hand stopped him as he reached for the bag though. Thoma smiled as he slid a mug of hot (flavour) coffee across the counter and into (M/N)'s surprised hands. He glanced at the housekeeper before smiling and muttering, his voice deep and hoarse, "...thanks."

"No problem," Thoma replied with a low hum, grabbing a mug for himself too, "Early morning?" He smiled as the heat warmed his fingers while he brought the drink to his mouth.

"Very late night," (M/N) chuckled, the caffeine roping back his exhaustion as he stretched out his muscles and joints, "What brings you up at this ungodly hour?" His companion sighs, looking into the rich brown of the cup before speaking.

"I was hoping to catch you before you could leave for the day," Thoma said, his voice dropping rather conspiratorially, "I wanted to talk... with you."

"Talk?" (M/N) watched Thoma steel himself, taking a large breath before meeting his (E/C) eyes for a drawn out moment. For a second, he thought he saw an odd heartache and melancholy there, much like his own jumble of emotions with the Kamisato siblings and speaking of...

Thoma licked his lip and balled a fist in nervousness,

"It's about you and Ayaka..."




sorry i had to take a month long break from writing fics, it's just that school is getting a bit crazy (first year of hs is actually wild)

fyi i have NO CLUE where this story is headed, so bear with me, this is mostly just filler scraps to make sure you guys know im still thinking ab u <333

next update will come... eventually, but for now, RAI out and cya (hopefully) soon???

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