Cursed (Prologue)

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The fairy king was really happy to be able to come back into his forest, he couldn't wait anymore. Even if he leaved the sins for it he still couldn't wait to see his people and his sister again. He still missed the sins though he wasn't gonna deny it. But something at the same time felt wrong, he had a bad feeling and his chest was hurting a lot, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, everything was perfect after all ?

He had spend good times with new friends and he was going to finally see his people after a long time, what could possibly go wrong honestly ?




Everything was turn into ashes, all the beautiful flowers that were here are gone, all the beautiful green and pink he use to like was gone. All the beautiful and big trees were gone. Everything he use to know and enjoy was gone.

No more sound was hear in the forest, even his people were gone.

He couldn't cry, he couldn't breath, he couldn't speak. He could just watch his forest, his home all gone and burn down.

He fall on the ground and look around him.

No one.

No one was here.

No one was here to welcome him.

No one was here to comfort him.

He was alone.

And lost.

With nowhere to go.

That's when it finally hit him.

He broke down in tears, he didn't dare to enter his forest not wanting to see all the dead body inside, he cried and scream in pain. It was as if someone had stab him directly in the heart. As if someone had stole a part of him. The pain was insupportable. He couldn't bare it any longer. He felt like ripping his heart out of his body so he could be with his people, his family again.

But he couldn't.

All he could do was being pathetic and cry over the people he lost.

All he could do was scream in pain.

All he could do was watch his forest, the place he had call a home.


He kept crying as if it was going to do something, like it was going to bring his forest back.

He pray for his people to be alright, he still had a little hope...

But that hope fade away when he saw not that far from the forest "exit" a dead body of one of his people, he cried harder.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

That's all that was coming out of his mouth.

Hours pass and he hadn't move from the whole night, when he wake up he had realize he was in his forest. He saw that he was even in front of the sacred tree.

He see that it didn't take that much damage.

He bow down in front of it and apologies a million time like the tree could hear him. Not that long after he felt his head hurting and felt like headed as if he was going to faint. Some words were stuck in his mind like it was the sacred tree that had speak to him.

"This will be your punishment for abandoning your people and leaving them to their fate." 




He wake up in a forest, well not in his forest but in another forest then his own. He didn't understand, how did he end up here ? 

He look around him, the forest was beautiful not gonna lie. It looked a little like hos forest but the trees were smaller and it looked like they were a little hold. The colors of the forest were a little darker too and there was some terrible sound inside.

But it felt nice though. He still liked the trees, the flowers, the nature in general. It stay beautiful nature after all.

He turn around and saw a little rabbit that was looking for something, he smile at the cuteness, for some reason it remind him when Elaine would lost something and ask him to help her to look for it. It start to make him cry a little just to think about it. When he realize he was crying he quickly whip his tears off and try to get up, which was a success, that's when he look at his hands and arms, something was on it ! And it was strange...

It was something cyan and white, he didn't know what it was but he knew that he didn't have them before, what was it ? He didn't know himself and he hated that he didn't know but it's not like he could do much about it anyways, could he ? He took a deep breath and start walking around the forest, what had happen in that forest in the first place anyways ? It looked horrible and completely broken...even though it was still beautiful.

It was as if it was some kind of...test or something ? But it couldn't be..?

that's when it hit him, he realize, that was his forest. But not like he though, that's his forest now, since his trees were burn they couldn't be as big as before, since the sacred tree had finish all his strength he couldn't fully exist anymore. 

He curse himself for making it happen, for making his forest like that.

That's when he promise himself to find whoever burn his forest and to punish him for it. 

What do you guys think about it so far ?

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