Y/N chuckled once again as he finished to serve the cereals, putting milk in the bowls and took two spoons. 

"Peti-dayjenay is served." Y/N said, Furina could only laugh at his pronunciation. "You do need a bit of a Fontanian language class." Furina said, smiling as she ate the first spoon of her cereals. 

"Hey, it isn't so bad, right ?" Y/N asked with a joking tone, some words he could say without scorching her beautiful language, but those were rare. 

"You do need to learn Fontainian." Furina said between crunches. "Then I'll have you learn it to me." Y/N said, as he ate his third spoonful. "Is that a flirt, Mr. Y/N ?" Furina playfully asked. "Only if you consider it as much, Ms. Furina." He said, returning her playful tone. 

Needless to say, their morning was starting greatly.


Few are the humans who tried going against her will. They were no longer alive a few seconds after.

"Greetings, Y/N, Furina. It seems that you decided to come here together." Neuvillette said, as he saw the new couple walk through his office door.

"Hello to you too, Neuvillette. We did meet along the way." Y/N said, looking at Furina. She smiled a bit as she understood his hidden idea. "Indeed, I couldn't let this lost lamb alone." Furina exclaimed, puffing her words with a sense of pride.

Y/N couldn't help to chuckle as Neuvillette smiled to himself. "Very well, I feel like you will spend your day here, with us. Am I correct ?" Neuvillette asked the ancient mascot of Fontaine. 

"Indeed, but I know that you will be working, I will try to not disturb you two." Furina rightfully said, Neuvillette nodded and looked at Y/N.

"I am afraid to say that there have been another person who went missing during the night." Neuvillette said, looking at Y/N.

Then, Y/N remembered this void, those two golden dots. His headache started to hit him again, but he couldn't shake off his thought. Those two, glowing, cold, hungry golden dots.

"Let me read." Y/N only said as he made his way towards the office. His eyes and voice matched together. 

The friendly tone Y/N had was replaced by a serious, straight tone as his eyes only reflected his focus. 

Neuvillette sighed internally but gave the documents to Y/N. The man nodded to the Iudex before looking into the details of this kidnaping.

Y/N's eyes were too quick for the linking of Furina, who couldn't no nothing but watch her lover. He scanned all the lines, all the potential hidden clues on the documents. But then again, he found nothing. 

He slammed the documents into the table that was before him. Furina and Neuvillette was surprised by the unusual display of physical frustration of Y/N. But when they saw Y/N's expression, slowly shifting from a focused form to an affected one.

"How can we stop this thing..." He whispered lowly as he let his frustration out via his words. "There is no clue, no identity, and the only appearance of the culprit is those two golden cold dots." He said, although, the comment of the dots put Furina and Neuvillette on edge.

"Two golden, cold dots ?" Neuvillette asked, making his assistant look at him. "Two cold, bright golden dots. Always on the lookout for its pray..." Y/N's voice trailed off, as he seemed to put himself into his thoughts.

As Neuvillette and Furina shared a look of concern, Y/N retraced all of his accessible memories. He couldn't find anything, if not his dream of those staring dots. How he felt those.

"Cold, distant, non-human, hungry, staring golden dots." Y/N said his thought out loud. Then, a supposition came right into the amnesic brain. 

"You saw them ?" Neuvillette asked, which made the man snapped out of his thoughts, but nodded. "Not directly, but in my most recent dream." Y/N said, which, once again, made the Hydro Sovereign and the former Archon to look at each other.

"Y/N, I know that this case affects you more than most, but are you alright ?" Neuvillette asked, his caring tone made Y/N smile. "Yes, it might be just a silly dream." He said, smiling at Neuvillette. 

But his thought couldn't stop to yell inside his own brain. It was ringing all around, as if his own brain imposed his own thought. 

As if there was something that Y/N couldn't see, but his own brain could feel. Trying to tell Y/N that he was in danger.

As he tried to silence the thought, it only came back louder, at the point where Y/N just gave up on silencing it.

"What if that dream is that thing's way to select its victims ?" 

"What if ... that thing wanted me next ?" 

Injustice (Furina X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now