Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV.

"Where ... am I ?" The unknown man asked to himself. Whilst he was trying to gather his memories, his head felt like it was being pierced by hundreds of nails, screwing his skull and his brain.

He held his head as he grunted in pain. The four persons in the room didn't know how to react, so the Juge Supreme stood between him and the former Archo, Furina de Fontaine. The famous Traveler, known as Aether, drew his dull sword in case the unknown man was a menace.

The unknown man still felt his headache, but he managed to look at the people that was in the same room as him. 

"Who are ... you ?" The man said with a gravely voice. The people inside the room looked at each other, and nodded, before calming themselves down. "Who am I ... ?" The man asked to himself as he brought his right hand towards the ceiling. 

Then, like the light traveling a obscure room, Furina rushed towards the man and looked at his E/C. "You don't know your name ?" Furina kindly asked to the stranger. The said stranger looked at her and the former Archon found herself surprised. She fell back a few feet backwards.

"My name ... What was it ?" The unknown man said to himself, before a piercing rush of pain found its way to his brain. He grunted because of the sudden pain, but he suddenly knew his name, as if someone telepathically said it to him. "My name is ... █████████." He said, but for everyone, the man's name was unheard. It wasn't because the persons didn't listen, but it was because his name couldn't be said, even by him.

"What was that Monsieur ?" The Iudex said calmly to the unknown man. The said man was stunned, he remembered his name, but couldn't say it. "It's ... █████████." He tried to say it again, only to find the same result. 

"That is the first time I witness something like that." Neuvillette said to himself, trying to find a clue inside his 500 years of living with the humans, but he couldn't find anything. 

"Why don't you try telling us a name that you can actually say ?" The traveler asked the man. The man looked at the blonde male and nodded. He seemed in thought as he tried to tell a name.

"... Y/N... I believe I was also called ... Y/N..." The man, now identified as Y/N, said. "Y/N ? That's a nice name !" Paimon said as she was happy, finally a piece of information. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Paimon, the blonde traveler is Aether !" Paimon floated towards Y/N and showed the blonde male in question. The traveler looked at Y/N with a smile. Y/N tried to smile but couldn't, so he nodded instead. 

"The woman with the white and blue hair is named Furina !" Paimon pointed at the former Archon of Fontaine. Furina looked somewhat surprised and had a bit of a blush on her face. She waved at Y/N, and Y/N waved back, wincing a bit because of his headache.

"And the tall person is Neuvillette, the one who healed you !" Paimon said, as Neuvillette approached the man in the couch.

Y/N nodded to the Iudex, who was analyzing Y/N with the best of his abilities. "You seem to be lost, young man. Allow me to give you a glass of water." The Iudex said and proposed a tall, clean, royalty-looking glass of water. Which Y/N took slowly but surely.

"Thank you ... Neuvillette." Y/N said then drank the entire glass of water in one go. "Seems like he didn't forget that he needs to drink." Aether said with a joking tone to relieve a bit the tense atmosphere. "And he seems to remember the information Paimon give to him." Neuvillette said with a serious tone. 

"So he did lost his memories, how can we help him ?" Furina asked. Neuvillette looked at Furina and sighed. "We cannot keep him inside the Palais, he must go and find his home." Neuvillette said. He was known as a sharp judge, always giving the right sentence to the people who wronged.

"Home ... ? I don't have one..." Y/N said while trying to remember, only to be struck by more headache. "See ? He doesn't even know where he is !" Furina exclaimed strongly, which surprised everyone in the room. 

"I am sorry to say that, but he could be a threat to the peace we all worked for." Neuvillette rightfully said. It wasn't wise to keep a unknown man inside one of the most prestigious place in the world. Even more after what Fontaine dealt with.

"How can he be a threat ? He can't remember anything !" Furina exclaimed once again, Neuvillette sighed as it was true. 

The Iudex was strictly observant, whenever Y/N tried to remember something related to his past, he would grunt and hold his head. A clear sign that he was actively trying to remember, but something just blocked him to do so.

"That's true, Neuvillette. This guy can't be a treat to us, and if he was, you surely know that he won't stand a second." Aether stepped in. "It appears that you are right. I shall help this poor man." Neuvillette said, sitting on his chair at his desk. "We shall help. That's an interesting event, I won't miss that." Aether smiled as Paimon nodded and smiled as well.

As for Furina, she looked at Y/N with a bit of compassion in her eyes. She knew the feeling of not being truly yourself. 

'Poor man, being forced to forget everything he knew...' Furina thought while she was still looking at the man, which tried to stand up. 

"Careful, you don't want to force yourself." Aether quickly helped the man to stand up. "Thank you." For once, Y/N said a few words where he didn't trailed off. Then he looked at everyone, then he put his right hand to his heart. "I ... don't know much. I forgot everything... But thank you all for helping me." Y/N said, what he did was purely his instinct. But for the others, it surprised us.

"Well, even if you are amnesic, you sure know how to be polite." Furina said while harboring a small smile. "It seemed ... natural." Y/N said as he looked towards the former Archon. 

"Monsieur Y/N, until you are feeling better, I shall make you live here. As such, I hope that you will not overstay your welcome here." Neuvillette said to Y/N. The words said by the Iudex brought a smile to everyone, Y/N slowly made his way towards his savior, extended his left hand while putting his right hand at his heart.

"I must thank you ... for being kind to an stranger. I will make sure to ... earn your act of ... kindness." Y/N said, still stumbling in his words. But Neuvillette felt his sincerity and shook his hand softly.

"There is not an urgent matter as for now. You must rest as much as you can." The Juge Supreme said to the amnesic man. Which only nodded. "But, if you feel the need to go outside to take a breath of fresh air. Make sure to inform me, or anyone present in this room if they are present." Neuvillette said, his voice let everyone know that if anyone were to find Y/N, they must bring him back instantly. 

"Sure thing." Y/N said. "It seems that he doesn't have trouble when it's few words." Furina said, making the Iudex, the Traveler and his floating companion nod. "Might be because he's having trouble to form actual sentences for now." The Traveler voiced his theory.

"That seems to be the closest explanation we have for now." Neuvillette nodded as Aether's words seemed to be right.

"Now Monsieur Y/N, would you like to know your sleeping place ?" Neuvillette asked the amnesic man. He only nodded but Neuvillette knew that Y/N was grateful. "Well, I believe it is time for you to go on your own occupation." Neuvillette said to the Traveler and the Former Archon. 

Aether and Paimon just nodded to themselves as Furina just stood still. 

"Furina ?" Neuvillette brought her out of her own world of thoughts. "O-Oh, yeah." Furina reclusively said as she made her way out of the room.

"You do know that you are always welcome here, Furina." Neuvillette said as Furina looked at him with hesitancy. "I-I'm not needed anymore, why should I come back ?" Furina said as she hesitated to strike a pose, her love for plays wasn't killed, but something else did when the true Archon executed herself.

Neuvillette could only sigh, for him, Furina was as stubborn as a bull. "Just thought that I could let you know on that information." Neuvillette said as him and Y/N made their way towards the stairs to go at the Marechaussee Phantom's headquarters. Furina looked at the two men, then sadly sighed as she started to exit the Palais Mermonia. "Until then, Neuvillette, Y/N..." She sadly said to herself as she closed the door of the Palais behind her, revealing the Sun setting and the Moon rising.

'I was just bothering them, aren't I ?'

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