At the party

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You and summer make it to the party, summer walks off with some stranger and leaves you.

Summer: hey y/n we made it!!
You and summer walk inside and see so many people
Summer: this party is going to be awesome!
Y/n: I know right!!
Summer: oh my phones ringing I will be back
Y/n: okay I'm gonna go get a drink
You walk over to the table and take some shots then you sit on a table, not knowing what your doing or where you are because your way to drunk. You then walk to the dance floor and dance.
Tom sees you across the room, he was looking at you up and down playing with his lip piercing. He then walks over to you
Tom: Hey beautiful.. what's your name?
He says as he holds your waist.
Y/n: my names y/n, what's yours?
Tom: my names Tom, you dance very well
Y/n: thank you.
Tom: your very welcome, do you smoke
Y/n: yeah
Tom: you wanna go smoke
Y/n: hell yeah
You and Tom walk outside and sit down. You pull out a cigarette and light it.
Later on bill, Gustav and Georg come outside and finds Tom.
Bill: TOM? There you are!! We were looking everywhere for you!!
Tom: sorry, I bumped into this girl, her names y/n
Bill,Gustav and Georg all look at y/n and says hello
Y/n: hey, so nice to meet you.
The party is over and the band offers to take you home, you say yes but instead they took you somewhere else.

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