Chapter 7

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The Red Keep

The five of them were walking to the hall where Aeron was being held in. The hall that is only designated for guests that stays over.

Rickon was following Viserys behind him while holding Aelanna's hand, he couldn't stop checking in on her, always turning his head down to make sure that she is still by his side. Aemma and Rhaenyra were beside them as well, making slight conversation so they didn't walk in silence. Daemon was a few steps behind them, not far enough so they could not notice him, but close enough that he could hear their conversation.

"What Daemon said, was is true? My son attacked the royal guards?" Rickon asked Aemma, who then looked at him with a sympathetic gaze.

"He did, but it's best if you see him first before we say more on the matter. But if it's worth for anything, I know that he only had his best interests at heart." She replied before looking down at Aelanna. Ever the understanding soul the Queen.

He too looked at his daughter and muled over her words, before nodding his head at her squeezing softly his daughter little hand.

They soon came to a stop, two guards were on either side of the chambers door and they bowed their heads when they saw their King approaching, not openning the door yet because Viserys didn't give them the confirmation.

"I just wanted to say, Rickon, that I am sorry that we came to this. Aeron is my nephew and I care about him greatly and it didn't bring me any joy to lock him up. But I had to, he attacked the King's Guard. I hope that you put sense into his head and make sure that this matter never happens. Ever again." Viserys turned to look at him. His voice transmiting a warning tone.

"You will let him go?" Rickon asked while holding his breath. He tought that he had to try harder to get Viserys forgiveness.

"I will. I know that he only wished to see his sister again, I understand. But I'm not going to be this forgiving if there is a second time."

Daemon snickered from behind them. He knew that Viserys would never exile his nephew or go as far as execute him. He wouldn't do that to Daella, she was his favorite after all.

Viserys then faced his guards and nod for them to open the wide doors, making Aeron turn towards the noise and abandoning his spot at the balcony.

"Aeron!" Aelanna beamed at the sight of her brother and ran straight at him. Rickon tried to hold her back, because the conversation that he was about to have with his son was no place for his baby daughter.

Aeron smiled upon hearing his sister's voice, and picked her up in his arms when she neared him.

"I told you we would see each other again."

"Aeron." Rickon's heavy voice made Aeron turn to his father, dropping his preview smile that only Aelanna could summon up since she had returned from her dissapearance.

The sound of the doors closing was the last thing that was heard for awhile, Viserys and the rest of his family left them to have a few moments by themselves. Neither said anything, only staring at the other eyes.

"What were you thinking?" Rickon was the first to break the silence.

"I did what I had to do to see my sister, you can not blame me for that."

"You couldn't have waited for me? I told you that I was coming, and then you went and attacked the King's Guard, your uncle!" Rickon voice went higher by the second.

"No I could not wait, how can you ask me of that? My sister went missing, for about two weeks! And you wished for me to wait more twelve days while we wasted our time on horses?" Aeron scoffed.

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