Chapter 6

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It was safe to say that they never arrived at Winterfell, because it came to them.

When a raven was sent to give the news that Aelanna and Rhaenyra were found and safe at the Red Keep, the Warden of the North couldn't possibly stand by and wait for his daughter to be returned to him, so he took matter into his own hands and prepared to travel at once to Kingslanding. Rickon almost fell to his knees when he read the letter, he at first thought that his eyes were deceiving him, but it couldn't be. Viserys would never say such things if he wasn't being true.

The first thing that Rickon did when he recomposed himself was to write a letter to send to his son Aeron, that was gone again trying to find his little sister and cousin, and he wrote that he needed to come to Winterfell at once, because Aelanna had returned. He hoped that the raven would find him fast enough.

Then he quickened his steps in the direction of his chambers, where his wife had hid all these days. He was finally relieved to bring her good news, their dark days would end.

Rickon opened the door and at first he couldn't see anything, the room was pitch black. Well, not entirely, since a few rays of light shined through the closed curtains. When his vision adjusted to the darkness he entered deeper in the room and went to open the curtains, when a weak horse voice was heard. "Don't.."

It was Daella. She was laying in her bed, and Rickon knew that she barely left that place nowadays. Like she was imprisioned.

Rickon's heart tug at hearing his wife's weak voice, he felt at fault for putting her at that state, but he will make it right now, he will bring his daughter home.

"Daella..this room need some lightning, you can't be locked up in here everyday. Look how sunny it is today, maybe you could take a walk outside? How does that sound?" He adviced, while slowly opening the curtains. He didn't want to overwhelm her with the sun lights, since he knew she never received any since Aelanna was taken and she had locked herself inside her chambers.

Daella squinted her eyes and put a hand up to cover her swolen eyes, "Why would I ever do that, when my daughter is who knows where..scared and alone." Daella didn't cry anymore. She couldn't, she had shed every tear, and now she just felt her heart break piece by piece, for each day she hoped that Aelanna was to return to her, but was not.

Rickon turned to his wife, seeing her with dark bags under her eyes, disheveled hair and red eyes. He had never seen his beloved like such. He slowly approached their bed, and sat at the end of it. He was going to tell her.

"No need to worry no more, my love. Our days of suffering has finally come to and end. I just received a raven from Kingslanding, bearing great news." He makes sure to look into Daella's eyes, to show her that he was being true and sirius.

"What great news? What could possibly be more exciting than finding the whereabouts of my kin?" Daella asked confused, she also didn't know why her husband was bothering her with this, all she wanted to receive news for is if her daughter and niece were found. That was all that mattered right now.

"That's precisely it, Daella. Aelanna and Rhaenyra, they are at the Red Keep with Viserys and Aemma. They have her, and we need to bring her home to us right now."

And after all these days that the older woman wished to hear the exact same words that her husband announced, she couldn't yet believe him. She didn't want to fully have hope and to later end up disappointed. But despite that, she knew that Rickon would never joke about this, to hurt her like that. So after a minute of doubting him, only one long look at her husband's eyes she knew then that he was speaking the truth, and for the last time Daella cried, but the tears shed were not of heartbreak, but relieved ones, blissful. And her grey world turned to full of color.

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