"Alright, good to know! See you later!"

I stated, rushing out of the building while the Lizardman Receptionist simply waved as I left before I exhaling.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "That enthusiasm of his is a scent of fresh air."

He noted to himself, before returning to work away at the papers he had infront of him.


    It took a little while, however I eventually arrived to the 'beginner' dungeon after using the map I was provided to find it.
The entrance to the dungeon itself was rather small - smaller than the previous two dungeons I had been to, that's for sure.

The aura emitting from it also felt weak - almost abysmally weak.
Although, I suppose this was due to not only me taking on supposedly harder or 'stronger' dungeons before, but also because of my own ridiculous strength.

"Well- I'll just walk in and kill stuff."

I noted to myself before taking one step forward, only to be stopped by a sudden scream.
Looking around, I instantly began to wonder who and why was screaming.

[Overworld Detection] has picked up an active battle nearby.

A battle?! Where?

Towards the Northern side.

I immediately began running in the direction where Sages' Wisdom pointed me in. If the scream was coming from a human and was linked to the mention of the active battle, it most likely meant that there was somebody currently in danger.

After a small bit of looking around, I eventually found the source of the scream as well as the after- mentioned 'active battle'.
It seemed to be a fight between a small group of 3 Adventurers — Or atleast, I presumed that those were adventurers — and some kind of large wolf with crystal spikes covering some parts of its body.

Using [Sages' Wisdom] I was able to figure out that the creature was apparently a Lesser Crystalline Wolf and that it was level 20.

I won't bother telling the stats or skills, since it's level alone already made it pretty much insignificant to me.

The small group of people seemed quite beat up, one of them even fatally injured.
If I didn't intervene, they were deadmeat.

So, I quickly leaped into the air, above the Crystalline Wolf.

"Stand back!"

I shouted.
The group of people looked up to me as I used my skill [Shadow Manipulation] to quickly bind down the wolf.

'This is a completely unnecessary action, however I don't want to make it seem like I'm ridiculously OP. Also, using stuff other than 'Black Magic' or 'Shadow Manipulation' would be suspicious.'

I thought before using my skill [Black Magic] to dash down upon the monster, casting a spell as I did.

"Darkness Overhaul!"

I shouted before landing, hitting the wolf with a small orb of darkness. Upon making contact with the monster, the orb completely engulfed it before 'incinerating' it.

The group of adventurers that I had just saved just stared at me in disbelief as I quickly grabbed my [Devourer] bonus.

Upon landing onto the ground, I exhaled to fake 'being exhausted'.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя