S1E2:fire dragon,angel, monkey and bull part 1

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The guild door was kicked open by natsu with triangle eyes and razor sharp teeth "we made it back alive!"he announced as the guild greets them with smile. Hellana looks around for a certain someone before glaring"I'll be right back Lucy I've got a pink to deal with"she says before marching over to the man who gave them the info as she and natsu were pissed.

"So I heard y'all went all out in hargen, hellana, natsu had to start trouble"the male says with a smirk before screaming in pain when he was kicked in the face with a heeled boot by a pissed of hellana.

Natsu grabs the door by the shirt as the two glare at him"you life about that salamander I'm gonna kick your but"natsu growls holding up a fist.

"Don't get mad at me I'm not the one to blame here I'm just passing along a rumor "the man says as the guild waits with a baited breath.

"It was just a rumor!!!!"both roared.

"You want to fight!"he challenged.

"Let's go!"soon the guy was sent through the sky as they punched him through the air as Lucy watched in shock as many people were sent flying as an all out fight starts with shouts.

Happy smiles"now now hellana. Natsu, I think y'all need to calm down --"he goes to says before he was zigged zagged across the room do to a fight breaking out.

Lucy was shown smiling "oh wow I'm actually standing inside the fairy tail guildhall"she saw just as Helena knocked out three dudes before she got smacked in the ass as she whirls around with triangle eyes"that's it your ass is grass!!"she roars before pulling out a giant pan making the dudes eyes widen before screaming as he runs away from an angry Helena.

A tall shirtless male was shown with black hair"so they finally made it back huh"he says turning around as a chain cross hangs from his neck with only hiss boxers on with the guild symbol on his left chest as Lucy jumps scared eyes completely white as she gasp.

"This is gray fullbhster a very talented wizard but tends to well he has a bed habit of taking off his clothes"the narrator says in the background.

A fight cloud was shown with people fighting as he hops one foot at a time to it"it's time we settle things once and for all"he says.

A women with a blue bikini top with a with a band on her arm with bracelets with brown low waist pants with short heels as her guild mar was on the right side of her lower waist with long curly brown hair as she was drinking"gray your clothes"she says as gray whirls around with triangle eyes"I don't have time for that.

"This lovely lady is Cana Alberona she holds the title of fairy tails heaviest drinker"the narrator says in the background before she lets out a puff of air"I don't take the men here because they have no class"she says before she was shown drinking from a large barrel of wine as Lucy gasp staring at her wide eyes as her eyes bugged out.

"Come here and fight me! Natsu and Helena!!"gray yells kicking something out his way Helena was swinging around someone viciously with fire in her eyes"not until you put some goddamn clothes on!"she hollers back before yelling as she high kicks the person into the air as they scream.

Nastu was shown with the dude he was fighting earlier as he had there had and arm locked"she right not until you put some clothes on!"he hollers as everyone continues to fight.

"It's only noon and you boys and girl are already whining like spoiled babies"a males voice says Just then a large man with traditional Japanese shoes walks forward as a strong arm man was shown with blue pants with an open collar slightly button up blue shirt with white spike hair and a scar on his face with crossed arms appears beside Lucy who had to look up.

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