Chapter three

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We stayed there for a couple hours when we decided to start moving again, this time we agreed to have no distractions. This time we had no breaks, knowing that if we didn't focus on getting to the village then the hunters would have an easier chance at getting to us.

We were getting close now, only a day walk left now especially since we did a lot of running earlier. I had some more rabbit and only had a few pieces left that wouldn't last me more than a day so we'd have to go hunting at some point or hope we get to the village earlier than we thought we would.

"Jesus christ i hope we have a long break when we get to the village because my legs are killing me." Azusa groaned whilst rubbing her legs.

I shake my head, "When we get to the village we will be searching around for money, then we'll go get food, eat whilst walking, and then more walking until we get outside the village or if i say so." The red headed girl gave me a look before rolling her eyes "Listen Azusa if we stop then we will have a larger chance of being found by hunters or maybe even the village leader and if that does happen then we will have to run all the way."

Azusa seemed to be quiet after that, we carried on walking for a few more hours until the sun finally came up when the girl declared she needed another toilet. I was annoyed but didn't say anything and instead lent on a tree hoping she wasn't going to pull anything again.

Even if she did, I wouldn't fall for it.

"Azusa." I called out after a couple minutes, my heart was beating fast and i had to take deep breaths to keep myself calm, "Azusa i swear to god if you fucking–" I stop talking when i walk past the tree i thought she was behind.

She wasn't there, I looked around for her and realised her bag was on the floor, i picked it up and swung it over my shoulder that wasn't carrying my bag and began to look around for the woman.

"Azusa." I said loudly, i didn't want to shout too loud because the Hunters may be closer than we thought and we would be as good as dead split up especially if Azusa didn't have her bag. I shouted her name out again and still no response.

If she is messing around you won't be the only one who will want her dead, I hear my wolf growl.

Calm down. I think and looked around more, She couldn't have gone far.

But then I wondered, what if the hunters had taken her? But they wouldn't have because they would've got me as well.

"Fuck." I said and looked up to the sky, groaning in annoyance before I leapt forward and smashed my hand into a tree. Things couldn't get any worse, but they did. Because the tree I punched started to make a creaking sound, and then it started falling.

"Oh for fuck–" I get cut off because my body is suddenly taken over by my wolf and my body is jerked to the side so the falling tree misses me by inches. A massive bang hits my ears as the noise of the tree hitting the ground echoes through the forest, if Azusa was still near she would hear it.

So that means if the Hunters weren't already on their way here, then they are now. I get up quickly and grab both bags that had fallen to the floor, and I begin to run in a random direction.

"Azusa!" I scream so loudly I wince, "Azusa!"

"Mairin!" I hear a terrified scream, I skid to a stop and almost fall over but I quickly start running in the direction of where the scream came from. "Mairin, help me!" I could hear the voice crack and the terror in her scream and it made my heart shatter.

I pretend to her and myself that I hate her, I act as if she's done something wrong but i don't hate her. I think of her as my sister and my friend, and right now I'm terrified of losing her so i push my legs to go faster.

But then i realise that if she's being attacked, then I'm not going to make it in time. I drop my bags to the floor and take off my jumper before shifting into my wolf, I got faster now and I'm there within a couple of minutes. There were three men surrounding her, one was watching whilst the other two were beating her to death.

They look in my direction and rush to pull out their weapons but they don't fire at me, they turn to Azusa and before I get there in time, before i have the chance to do anything; they stab her straight through the stomach.

I stare at her body in horror and watch as her eyes go lifeless and her body slumps to the ground but I dont stop running. I run even faster and I'm sure the hunters can see the rage on my face because they look at me with fear in horror.

I jump on the one who stabbed her and quickly bite into his neck, if it was just him I would take my time in killing him but I end his life quickly so I could get to the other two before they hurt me.

I bite into the other one's leg and quickly pull him to the ground before biting into his chest, finding his heart, and crushing it in my jaws. I turn to the other one who was the one watching and I'm about to jump at him when a spear goes through his chest killing him.

I turn around in confusion and the rage in my chest gets worse when I see a new group of men staring at the scene in sadness and horror, but that's not the reason I get even more angry.

It's because the main guy in the middle had a golden shiny crown on his head, it was the King. He takes a few steps towards me, putting his sword into its holster on its side.

"I'm sorry my King but isn't that a rogue? Do you want me to kill–" A person on the King's left side speaks but the King himself quickly cuts him off.

"No no, it's alright. We don't do that anymore Merikh," The man I hate with all my heart takes two more steps towards me before he stops, "I'm sorry for your loss." He says referring to Azusa.

My vision goes red, how dare he speak about her? How dare he try to speak to me after all his family did. I can't hold myself back anymore and I quickly leap forward, my teeth biting onto his left side sending us both to the floor. I could hear the shouts of the others as they all got out their weapons. I go to bite into his neck but by the time I scrape my teeth against him he grabs hold of my head and holds my face against the ground.

I move to attack him once again but I freeze, because we make eye contact. Because when I look into his bright blue eyes my world seems to freeze over and pause because I realize something just then.

The King of the supernatural was connected to me, and not just in the way that we share a mind but in the way that we share a soul, his soul is my soul and my soul is his. A thought occurs to me, that if i kill him then i will die too in the most painful of ways.

His eyes seemed to soften but mine didn't, mine only seemed to harden as the harsh fact came over me.

He is my mate, the thought goes round in my head over and over again and I start to feel sick.

He is our mate Mairin! We can't kill him! My wolf screams.

Don't be silly, I say to her, He has to die, and even if that means i die with him then so what. I'll die happily knowing he's dead. 


1403 words


Okay guys so he's finally here but guess what? We hate him. Well you might not but Mairin certainly does aha, also sorry but Azusa is gone now! Or is she?

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