Chapter 15: When will she ever?

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"I'm sorry," The girl said, almost whispering and she suddenly felt the anger snap within her as she turned on her feet to face her. She knew there's a dangerous look in her eyes that moment because as soon as she turned to her, the girl took a step back, looking so scared that her rage might hit her full-on.

"You're sorry?! Really Michelle? How sorry could you be for ditching me? And of all the days, you chose to disappear on my birthday? Wow! I can clearly see how sorry you are. Did you know where you put me in? I was so paranoid the whole night! God! My friends even thought I went crazy because I thought something happened to you and I was waiting for some calls from a hospital or the police! What if you were in an accident? What if your dead?! I almost lost my mind you motherfucker!!!"

Michelle had been defending herself from the slamming she's doing on her chest. She only got to stop when the girl caught her wrist and manage to hug her tight so she could stop hitting her.

"Get off me!!!" She tried to overpower her and when she broke away, she looked at her with so much anger and disappointment.

"Who is she, huh?!"

"What??? Who's who, Love?" Michelle asked with so much confusion that her eyebrows almost connected to each other.

"Don't play dumb now, Michelle Dee. Seeing you well and alive only leads me to one reason why you ditched me last night! Tell me, who's the bitch, huh? Was she good? Is she way better than me? Did she fuck you better than I could?! Answer me now so this will be over, Michelle!!! Because I'm going to lost it all, for fuck's sake!!!"

"Ann, please. Calm down. It's not like that. It's not what you think, okay? Please. I'm so sorry—" the girl tried to voice out her reason but her mind was too clouded to even care and hive her a chance.

"Yeah, so am I. Nice try fooling me." she shrieked. "I'm sorry that I took your words for it and expected something of you that you obviously can't deliver!"

She saw how the looks on the girl's face looked like she'd punched her in the gut. Good, she thought. She should be grateful that she didn't actually punch her in the gut. Even how much wanted to.

"Ann, come on—" The girl tried to reach for her but she stepped away from her touch as if her skin's burning hers.

"No. Enough. Are you actually going to stand here in front of me and make more excuses??!"

"Yes! Because I need you to listen—"

"I can't! Okay?!" she shouted with all her might, letting go all the heaviness inside her chest as she shook her head. "I can't listen to you because I don't want to prove that I'm an idiot for believing this was gonna end any different. I was an idiot all along to trust you!"

And without waiting for the girl to reply, she turned on her heels and ran away. It seemed like she was getting a bit too good at this lately; running away. And because she was an even bigger idiot, she went to her reading spot and waited. She waited for Michelle to follow her and to tell her again that she was wrong and that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for why she didn't showed up. Up until the very last second before the darkness embrace the earth, she waited, and she stayed an idiot.

Because Michelle didn't come. Again.



She fell asleep in Anntonia's bed while waiting for her to come back. She waited and waited, but her girlfriend didn't come back. She didn't followed her when she run away because she wanted to give her some space to sort out her feelings and she suspected she didn't want to see too much of her until she managed to do that. She had an awful experience with coming on to Anntonia too strong when she wanted to be alone. They just going to end up fighting and putting more fuel to the fire. So knowing that the girl was the kind of person who needed time to breathe, she waited. She waited for hours and hours behind her huge worry until she came back so that they could have a proper talk.

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