I am sorry for the late update. A lot happened. 

It was completely dark when Xie Lian reached home. The yellow lamps on either side of the little metal garden gates were on, casting a soft yellow glow of the wild flower vibes, growing wrapped around the axle of the gates, arching gracefully outside.

Haah, the day was over. Xie Lian wished it hadn't. He was having so much fun for the first time in his life with everyone.

He sighed before he pushed the gate open and scurried to the back door. The cook must have left by now and he just had to get back to his room. He took a deep breath in and opened the kitchen door.

It was completely silent.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Xie Lian tiptoed out of the kitchen and rushed up the stairs, and did not stop, nor did he breathe till he had securely locked himself in his room.

"Thank goodness there is no one around." Xie Lian sighed aloud and slumped on to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head back onto the frame of the bed. His muscles ached so bad, that he was numb.

He eyed his clothes which were unrecognisable, they seemed to be permanently stained in a dark bluish red stain, so were his hands and neck. The colours had seeped through his shoes and stained his feet a pale red. His face had patches of faded colours, like proof that it wasn't all a dream.

He peeled off his clothes and looked aghast at his body. It was stained as well.

A giggle escaped his throat. His shoulders shook and Xie Lian chuckled to himself alone in his room. His mind replayed everything that happened that day, his heart growing warmer the more he cherished the memories, turning them over, replaying them over and over. He had friends, and he had fun with them, playing with colours, dragging each other out to get more messed up and also getting high on bhang.

Never in his wildest dreams did Xie Lian ever think that he would be able to make such friends, with whom he would feel home.

Then he remembered how Hua Cheng smeared colour on him.

What was that look on his face?

Why did San Lang smile like that?

The look so deep, the smile oozing fondness, these were things Xie Lian has never experienced in his life. Nobody has looked at him like that, let alone made him feel that way.

Xie Lian could feel his cheek burn.

What was that?

Why did he feel like that?

It felt so...

Xie Lian shook his head, "He is a dear friend" he said aloud, almost as if he wanted to put a stop to the obscure thoughts blooming in his head.

As suspected, the effects of bhang hadn't left at all. Xie Lian was smiling dreamily to himself, rolling on the cold floor, feeling so good and euphoric, so lost in the high that he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the iron gates of the drive way open with a big clang.

For a second, it was just the pitter patter of the rain. The wind rustled the leaves, the insects had stopped chirping. Xie Lian was about to pass the sound off as one of the maids entering or leaving the driveway path, when the honk of Jun Wu's vintage car tore through the serene silence, hammering terror in Xie Lian's heart.

The teenage boy sprang up on his feet immediately, and lunged at his cupboard to put on fresh clothes. His vision felt blurry, sweat beading his face, as he quickly changed his clothes and hurried to the washroom to try clear up his face.

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