Chapter Eight: Date - Bluey's POV

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Bluey walked to her class alone because Chloe had went to walk with her "friend", Chance. She knew this wasn't true, because she saw the way her best friend acted around him, and it is most definitely not friend behavior.

"More like two lovers.", Bluey muttered quietly and giggled.

She smiled as she pondered. Can't they just get together already??, she thought, shaking her head and smiling. Chloe was most definitely in love with him, and he was most definitely in love with her.

They're going to be the cutest couple., Bluey smiled as she imagined them together.

Her thoughts were interrupted by none other than her own crush. She quietly laughed at the irony.

Jean-Luc waved to Bluey with a smile on his face. "Hey Blu! Where are you headed?", he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"My next class is acting. It's my favorite class!", Bluey responded, excited.

Jean-Luc smiled at this. "Really? I didn't know that you were interested in acting!".

Bluey smiled and responded, "Yea. I love it.".

"Why do you love it so much?", Jean-Luc asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

"When I was younger, I loved acting and playing with my mum, dad, and Bingo. We would play pretend all the time. Mum and dad always went along with our games.", Bluey smiled, reminiscing in the childhood memories.

"That's sweet.", Jean-Luc remarked. "So, I take it you want to be an actress?", he questioned.

"Yea. I think it'll be fun!", Bluey smiled.

"You should be an actress. They're gorgeous, so you'll fit the part.", Jean-Luc smiled.

That comment caught Bluey off guard. She blushed profusely and forced out a response. "Oh. Thanks.", she blushed, turning her gaze to the floor.

Jean-Luc laughed warmly at this. "It's true.", he protested.

Bluey looked back up from the (very fascinating) floor to him, the blush now absent from her face.

Then, she realized something. "You haven't been speaking French! Why?", Bluey asked, and she looked very confused.

"Oh! It's because I had this marvelous idea that you should be able to understand what I'm saying, so I stopped.", he smiled.

"Well that will definitely help a lot!", Bluey laughed.

Jean-Luc then suddenly became nervous. "Uhm... also, I wanted to ask you something.", he said. He rubbed the nape of his neck nervously.

Bluey smiled. "Sure. Go ahead!", she responded.

"Uhm... I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me? It's the Barbie movie.", he explained.

Bluey was too stunned to speak. "Are you... asking me out?", she asked, skepticism evident in her tone.

"...Yes.", Jean-Luc said.

"Sure!", Bluey smiled.

Jean-Luc exhaled. "Ok! See you tomorrow!", he told her.

"Ok. See you!", Bluey waved, and left to go to her acting class in a happy mood.

She had just got a date with her crush.


This chap hurt physically to write😭😭

Anywayyyys love y'all and Tysm for reading! 💕💕

Also not me lowkey being Bluey lol (I literally love Acting 💗)

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