twenty three ; to be loved is to be seen (chanho/hyunlix) [part two]

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Hours later, at the nearest hospital, the group of college students did their best to tend to Hyunjin and Minho's needs. Although two of the college boys were fans of the group they didn't share anything about the incident on social media and treated Hyunjin and Minho like real people, simply because they were.

"You guy's don't have to do this," Minho said in a soft voice as Kenji handed him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Don't be silly," Kenji responded, "We were the ones that found Chan and Felix. We want to make sure you two are okay as well."

It was sweet in Minho's eyes how these college students could have spent their night spewing the story all over the place but instead they chose to stay with Hyunjin and Minho to make sure they were okay.

Yuri, the boy who'd called the police walked into the emergency room after having gotten done speaking to the police and sat down near Minho's feet. "So, they caught the man who did it. The police received a call from a local korean market stating that the workers there had seen a man in the store covered in blood and wanted to make sure the man was okay."

"So the guy who did this is in jail now?" Hyunjin asked and Yuri nodded his head, a small sigh of relief leaving Hyunjin's lips.

"Family of Lee Yonggbok and Christopher Bhang?" A nurse called.

The college students nodded at Minho and Hyunjin and the two idols stood up, walking over to the nurse who pulled them back behind the doors so they could speak privately about the condition of their partners.

"Alright, starting with Chan he sustained four stab wounds to his abdomen. None of them were severe however one of them did slightly pierce his lower intestine but that's nothing to worry about. He'll just have to eat soft foods like rice, soups, crackers. That kinda stuff for a few weeks," She explained before moving on to Felix's file and a small frown formed on her face.

"Now, Yonggbok is a bit worrisome. He sustained seven stab wounds. Three in his abdomen, two in his chest, and two on thigh. The thigh doesn't concern me as no major arteries were cut. However the two on his chest did cause some of his ribs to snap and pierce his lung. But the most concerning wounds are the three in his lower abdomen. I'm not sure if you knew but Yonggbok is a carrier which means he can carry children however the stab wounds have severed about seventy percent of his stomach tissue which means this could make him infertile. If the tissue doesn't heal back together strong enough his stomach lining may not be strong enough to support carrying a child to term."

Hyunjin felt like his world was going to crumble around him and Minho just nodded his head before an eruption of voices was heard and the two male's rushed out into the waiting room where the rest of their group was searching for them.

"Their names are Bahng Chan and Lee Yonggbok! Have you seen them? Are they here?" Changbin asked the nurse who was trying to find them answers when Jeongin looked over and noticed Hyunjin and Minho standing there.

"Oh thank god," Jeongin said, rushing over to hug Jeongin as the others turned to see them and rushed over to them.

There were so many questions from everyone coming at Minho and they all just kept hugging him and touching him and asking if he was okay and he could hear the sounds of nurses chattering along with whatever show was on the small television in the waiting room. It was too much for Minho to handle at once and before he could open his mouth to tell them one of the college students walked up and introduced themself to the rest of the group, taking their attention off to Minho and allowing him to breathe.

"Im Kenji, I"m the one who spoke to Changbin on the phone. I was there after you friends got stabbed. My friend Yuri was the one who called emergency services. They're both in stable condition however Felix got the worst of the attack. The man who did this to them has been caught and we have been keeping on eye on Minho and Hyunjin while they waited for you guys to arrive. I know you guys are concerned and you have every right to be but please remember that they are overwhelmed right now. They're scared. They don't need you guys pushing a million questions onto them, that's why I'm here is for you to ask me the questions. Just support them okay? Let them cry on your shoulder, hug them tight. They need their friends more than anything right now," Kenji explained as Changbin nodded.

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