tyler is able to pay attention for the majority of class. it's not too hard since they're mainly just going over the syllabus, but he does get a bit distracted watching imessage notifications from his friends roll through on his macbook. by the end of class, the four friends have made plans to meet at one of the dining halls for lunch.

class is over within fifty minutes. tyler is glad because he started dozing off for the last ten. him and ryan pack their bags, walking together towards the dining hall. their campus is relatively small—it would probably take about fifteen minutes to walk from one end to another. it's only a couple of minutes before they're in the dining hall waiting for brendon and ashley. the two sit at a table together, waiting to get their plates before their friends join.

"i think that class is gonna be really cool," ryan gushes, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hands. "don't you?"

"i'm really excited for the poetry section," tyler says, habitually glancing around the room. his eyes dart back and forth as he watches all of the people behind ryan. he doesn't know why it's so hard for him to just focus on one thing at a time. ashley, the psychology major she is, has suggested maybe adhd or anxiety. tyler doesn't know much about adhd besides what he's learned in a few classes for his psych minor, but knows his mom has anxiety. ashley thinks maybe he does too.

"of course you are. you're one of my favorite poets," ryan gushes. "i'm sure professor grant will feel the same way."

"she liked the poems i wrote in intro," tyler informs, his eyes falling upon ryan for a second before going back to scanning the room. "i got an a in that class."

"see! i think you're going to be famous one day, or something. then i'll get to brag about being best friends with a famous poet."

tyler chuckles softly, his eyes lighting up as he sees brendon and ashley enter the dining hall. he waves them over excitedly, giving ashley a big hug even though it had only been about an hour since he'd last seen her.

"ty! how was class?" she asks, the four of them heading over to check out what's for lunch today.

"s'okay," he says, grabbing a plate and serving himself some pizza and french fries.

"you gonna eat some veggies with that?" ashley asks, raising an eyebrow. tyler smiles and shakes his head, to which she just sighs. "fine."

the brunette gets himself some ranch and a glass of apple juice before sitting back down at the table they claimed. brendon is first to join him, his plate looking very similar to tyler's.

"no veggies today, huh? me neither. especially not the asparagus shit they were serving," brendon says, nose scrunching in disgust.

"you're such a bad influence," ashley tsks, sitting next to tyler.

tyler just smiles to himself, secretly agreeing with brendon. asparagus is gross, he's right. ryan takes his seat next to brendon and across from tyler. the four sit in a confortable silence while they eat, not having much to say aside from how their days had been so far. they already know everything about how each others' summers had been—they had facetimed nearly every single night to talk.

"what are we doing for your birthday, ryan?" brendon asks, wiping pizza grease from his mouth onto the back of his hand. "i can always hold something at du."

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