Chris Sturniolo

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A/N: what's up y'all?! I'm back!!! I've been super busy with work school and drivers Ed. I wrote this during drivers Ed and I've read a bunch of these story's and got inspired to write one of my own, I've been watching the Sturniolo triplets for a while now and I relate to Chris cause we're both the younger siblings and such. Well how have you all been? This is gonna be the first chapter of this book once I get it published and all, I'm hoping to start writing again while I have the motivation and ideas to!! So is everyone ready for Christmas??? Anyhoo I'll get onto the story hope you all enjoy it!!
Happy reading
When Chris woke up that morning he noticed the aching pain in his head and his stomach, soon there was a knock on the door. " yo Chris you awake dude? We gotta film a new podcast episode soon, you ok?" He heard Matt's worried voice came through his door. Groaning Chris got up and put on a clean pair of sweatpants and a fresh love hoodie, walking up the stairs to the kitchen were his nose was assaulted with the smell of food which made him gag a little bit. " there's sleeping beauty! Are you feeling okay ? You look a little pale." Nick pointed out making Matt turn around, Chris just stood there with his hands in his hoodie pockets. " yeah I'm okay just didn't sleep
Well last night." He answered which wasn't a lie because he didn't sleep well as his stomach was hurting him. " we can reschedule filming the podcast episode if you want , I mean you look like shit dude."
Nick offered with a sarcastic comment, " no guys I can do it, I promise if I feel worse I'll tell you." Chris all but begged. While setting up Chris got hit by a spell of nausea and dizziness, lucky for him Nick and Matt were to busy to notice their younger brother turn white, " hey guys? I think I need to sit down." He whimpered catching the attention of them both " holy shit dude! Hey it's okay I gottcha , Nick help me get him on the couch im going to go grab medicine, water, a bucket , a thermometer , and a wet cloth cause he's burning up." Matt listed while got Chris on the couch Chris had passed out after Matt had gotten to him but was starting to wake up. " what happened?" Chris groaned as the pain came rushing back but as a stabbing pain, " you passed out bud, why didn't you tell us you didn't feel 100%?" Nick asked as softly as he could . " I don't know Nick , I dont feel good! Make it stop." Chris begged. He wasn't the most emotional one but when he was sick his personality did a complete 180, Matt came back with the needed supplies  for their sick brother " how are you feeling kid?" Matt asked as he noticed Chris awake but with dried tear tracks on his face and Nick rubbing his back. Taking the silence as a no and brought the supplies over , first taking his temperature and seeing that it was at 101.1 degrees giving a couple ibuprofen sign a glass of water to take them with . When Chris refused Matt tried again but noticed that Chris turned pale as a ghost he put everything down and rushed the bucket under Chris as he lost everything he'd eaten in the past 24 hours " woah there kid, breath you'll make your self sicker." Matt soothed like they did with his panicked attacks, once he was done Nick handed him the water to rinse his mouth out with. " are you okay to move to your room or do you want to stay on the couch?"  Nick asked as Chris curled into a ball arms around his stomach that was still churning and cramping, " I wanna go to my room please." Chris answered softly, Matt put him on his back while Nick followed with the supplies . Setting Chris gently on the bed , Nick put the glass of water on his night stand and the bucket besides the bed. Making sure he was asleep the older two left for the kitchen keeping Chris's door open in case he needed them. Seeing that it was only 1:00 Nick and Matt sat down to discuss a game plan with how Chris was, " if he's not better by morning im taking him to the doctor weather he likes it or not." Matt said flat out, the day went on and Chris was still asleep with Matt and Nick checking on him ever other hour to make sure his fever hadn't risen. Once Chris did wake up it was 3:00 am and he felt disoriented and hot, slowly getting up from his bed he started to journey to Nicks room feeling like he could pass out any moment. " Nick I don't feel good." He whimpered as Nick woke up in time to catch him before he fell to the ground , " Matt I need you in here!!" Nick yelled as Matt ran into the room " what happened? You know what never mind I'm going to get the thermometer." Dashing out of the room , comming back and sticking it into Chris mouth. It beeped showing that it was at 102.9 " Matt start the car we need to get him to the ER that's to high." Nick panicked once in the car Nick had Chris sideways laying down in the back seat, good thing he did because Chris woke up and threw up into he bucket once again as Nick whispered calming words. Once there Chris was brought back immediately as they began to check him over , " Nick and Matt Sturniolo?" The doctor called out " is he going to be okay?" Matt asked panicked " he's resting now he has a very bad stomach bug and will be staying for a few hours to get rehydrated, I don't know where he picked it up but you may see him."she smiled and walked  away leading them to his room, once they walked in Chris slowly opened his eyes and smiled, once they took him home they took good care of him. Chris was finally getting better and getting back to his normal self, the following week Nick, and Matt were grateful he was feeling 100% again. They filmed the podcast episode telling the fans that it would be out a little bit later than normal because Chris had been sick and they had been taking care of him.
Hi there!!!! I hope you enjoyed this!!! It's also over 1000 words!!!! I'm so very proud of my self!!! Well if you want to interact a good way is by voting/ commenting on the chapters!!!
Any hoo hope you all have a good day / night and I'll see you in the next one!

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