"I told him I would handle it." Viserys winced again. "I said it would be better if I was the one raising Rhaenyra."

"So you promised Hobert that Rhaenyra would wed his son if you were the one in charge of raising her?" While that was not what Viserys had said, Baelon knew his son well enough to know that was the way he had phrased it to Hobert. "Do you have any idea what you did? The danger you put her in? What were you thinking?"

"You took everything from me." Viserys glared at Baelon. "It was not enough that you took my inheritance and gave it to Daemon, but you also took my daughter and my wife. She is going to give you a child soon."

"She already did," Daemon said, a nasty smile on his face. "She gave birth the same day Rhaenyra was attacked, that was why we did not come sooner. She gave birth to twin boys."

Viserys's whole body flinched and the pain that covered his face left Baelon speechless. He knew how much his son had desired a son. He had spent years and years attempting to have one and finding out that Aemma had given Baelon two in just a year. He knew that in a way Viserys would feel betrayed. Baelon would not apologize for his children, for loving them, and not for loving his wife.

"She gave you two sons?" Viserys's eyes were filled with tears. "Two sons in one birth?"

"Yes," Baelon was happy that his son finally knew the truth, even if he would have done things a bit differently.

"Well, are you not the luckiest man alive?" The way Viserys said it was filled with anger and bitterness.

"Yes, I am lucky." Baelon was not sure what he was supposed to say that would make his son feel better, but he was not going to apologize for his sons. "Viserys you made terrible mistakes that put your daughter and the rest of my family in danger. I will not allow you to do the same things again."

"I did not put my daughter in danger."

"Yes, you did." Viserys would never change, even after knowing what he had caused, he refused to acknowledge his part on what had happened. "I do not know what else to say to you, how to explain all the mistakes you have made, but I will not allow you to put our family in danger any longer."

"What are you planning to do?" Viserys's voice became mocking. "Are you going to become a kinslayer?"

"No," The way his son was speaking to him made Baelon want to punch him in the face too. "I am exiling you. You will leave Westeros in the morning and you are never going to return, at least not while I am still alive."

Viserys looked at him with wide eyes, like he had not expected Baelon to ever say something like that. Baelon would not have imagined saying things like that a couple of years before, but he did not know what else to do with Viserys. He had thought that sending Viserys to Dragonstone had been the best decision, but that had not worked. Baelon could not spend the rest of his life fearing what his son might do next. 


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