Soojin : Aish! Eomma. Why you have to be so rude.

Soojin said in an irritated tone but followed her mother downstairs anyway. Back in the room, her younger Sister scoffed at her sister's childish behavior and started to read the books again. But when Chung Ah heared loud voice of her father, she also went downstairs to see what was happening.

Downstairs :

In the room, Mr. Oh was yelling at her daughter for not being clever enough to manipulate Jungwoon and his mother.

Mr. Oh : I know now that Majesty had announced to make Taehyung the next king we can't do anything. And I don't think the Queen have anything in her hand to change the majesty decision. That Singh is sly fox who knew how to make her daughter the Queen of this Kingdom and now he is almost successful. And you, you Soojin. You are of no use. It would be better if you stop roaming around that useless second prince and start to focus on how to make Taehyung crazy for you and marry you.

Soojin : I don't think it is possible appa. I have insulted Taehyung's alot of time and I'm sure he will never gonna see me in that way and I don't love him.

Mr. Oh : I don't know. Do whatever you want to do. Make Taehyung fall in love with you or kill Y/N or get pregnant with Taehyung's child. But do anything to get the tag of being his wife and I will manage the rest of things.

Mrs. Oh : Yebo, what are you saying ? It's inappropriate to say something like this that to infront of your own daughter and you are telling her to do all these things. Shame on you.

Mr. Oh : Shut up. Just up, you don't know how much I had struggled to get where I'm right now and I will do anything to make my daughter the next Queen of this Kingdom.

Mrs. Oh : Stop all these things before you destroy yourself and your family in this. We are doing fine and I don't think we lack anything of. Stop being greedy for us please.

Mr. Oh : No, now that I have entered in this mess I will make sure that I get the power I want. And now you can stop me not even you or nor god himself.

Soojin : Appa, stop it please. I'm not going to seduce Taehyung, I'm in love with Jungwoon.
Yes, you heard me right, I'm in love with the Second Prince. I love Kim Jungwoon. And I'm only going to marry him or no one. All these times, I did everything you asked me to do but not anymore. Now I will not listen to you but I will do whatever that feel right to me.

After hearing Soojin say alot of things, Mr. Oh held his daughter's neck and started to squeeze it and said.....

Mr. Oh : You are not in love with that useless Second prince. All you feel for him is attraction and nothing else so it would be better for you to remove all those bullshit from your mind and do as I told you to do.

After saying this, Mr. Oh went to his room while Mrs. Oh scrunch down on the floor to lift her unconscious daughter from the ground.

To be continued..........

Coming back in few months to give your horny ass some realty check.

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