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Dear Baxter,

It's been a year since you left me, hasn't it? I remember you every day from morning till evening, all night, all day. I know this is stupid, and there's no point writing letters to you when your... Yea, it still stings. I can never bring myself to say it. Bronwyn isn't doing great, she tells everyone her grades are perfect and she lives the perfect life, but really she misses you a lot. More than the rest of us if you know what I mean. Of course I miss you, but I guess being your friend was different than being your sister.

Another thing about Bronwyn, she's been hanging out with that girl Hallie, she was in your year at school wasn't she? I don't like her much, I'm trying to look out for Bronwyn, Baxter, but it's hard when that little bitch butts her head into every thing. I know there's something off about her, she never let's me near Brony anymore. I really am trying, it's just... Difficult. I remember how you always used to get Brony out of sticky situations and bad friendships, but unfortunately I'm not you!

Oh yea, the main reason I wanted to write this letter. Ciara has gone missing. I know something about her that you don't want me to know. I know she was your friend, you always used to study with her and stuff, every day after school. I know why that is now. I know why you preferred her to me-

Shit shit shit shit. I spilled my coffee all over that paragraph oh my goddd! Oh well, I really can't be bothered to write that out again, plus you already knew it all. And your dead.

I really hope they find Ciara. She always seemed to lighten up your day, and it would be awful if something happened to her too. Especially since... Well I think there's something that's appealing to Brony about her, and I don't know why. Bronwyn seems to always feel upset now, I think it's mainly because of the circumstances.

Ok, I need to finish now, my pens almost ran out. Take care in heaven or wherever you are. You aren't a bad person, Baxter. Or you weren't. I really miss you. Everything about you.

Lots of love,
Jade xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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