One most bizarre resemblance

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To you who was compelled to depart ahead of time,

Glimpses of all that's serene in this little town of mine, it seems, are a manifestation of the astoundingly golden traits you nurtured for a little over a decade. There's little scope to convey this poetically, but I must try my hand at it. I do not wish for your lingering memories to be likened to.. a dog, of all beings, solely for the reason that it has universally been known to be associated with derogatory remarks. Yet it's been this tame creature that proved to be reminiscent of your ever-welcoming warm embrace. At my door would this unnamed animal seek refuge from the cold every night, and quite simply, nothing set our entrance apart from that of our neighbour's. On our subsequent incessant encounters, I reasoned that the dog had grown accustomed to my family's times of arrival and departure. But what good has logic done to those seeking familiarity and feelings of belongingness? I like to think that ours was a bond stronger than that. During some of our initial meetings, I found myself audibly apologising, for I'd been forbidden to feed the creature whose only quest was to survive. What part of its small world required it to go through cognitive turmoil? To survive was to fend for itself. To hover around for food, warmth, refuge and mercy. But the human in me, never stopped to reason against the assertion that the lonesome animal seemed to understand, to interpret the emotions inscribed firmly on my face. This is part of what prompted me to liken you to this new-found unconditional companionship that I had made no effort to cross paths with. To look for remnants of you in the slightest bit of goodness had been a subconscious indulgence of mine and I was at it again. In hopes of this being one of many enigmatic relationships I believe I will develop over the course of my life, I express my unwavering gratitude to the positivity I continually find myself surrounded by.

Most stagnantly an admirer of what has and could've been,

A younger bearer of the blood you housed.

The frivolity on my mindМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя