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"This week's MFC 274..."

"....A truly show-stopping match between a middleweight legend and a light heavyweight legend awaits us!"

"Now, let's meet our light heavyweight legend, the "Emperor" himself, straight from Korea! The one, the only Joo Jaekyung!"

"Welcome! How long has it been since your last visit to the states?"


even abroad Mr. Joo's popularity is plain to see'

'the two players were so legendary that everyone was excited for the match, evwn without a championship on the line...'

'....and the MFC officials seemed all worked up, too, to have one of their champion visit.'

'Mr. Joo didn't have a moment rest, even when he wasn't training."

'it made me realize all over again just how impressive Mr. Joo actually is'

"J-jaekyung Hyung, this makes 20 laps...!"

"So what's? You complaining? If you're gonna mess up that pace, then get lose!" A very sweaty Jaekyung shout to him as he jag ahead of them

"N-no, no worries" the guy with bleach hair one


"Jaekyung! That's enough for now. Any more will be too much."  The couch told him as I hand him his towel

"Sir, here's your towel." He suddenly snatch it from me then he walk away

"Why that little... At least say thank you. You punk!" The coach shout at his back as he walk away

"I-it's okay, coach. I'm fine"

"Having to make weight really made him even more tpuchy than usual. Thanks for understanding, doc." He explained to me, quietly

"Of course." 'I feel like I need to do something extra, to help Mr. Joo through all this..'

'but all I can do is help with his cool-downs a bit...... Or help relax his muscles before he goes to sleep.'

'of course, the real reason I'm here is to help manage his pre-match jinx...'  I blushed thinking about that, as I press his leg to his chest as a stretch

'i just wish there was something more I could do to help....'

"Oh god. I'm dying.... I thought I'd be able to do some tourist stuff while we were here. But there's no down time at all......"

"Of course not, you're here to help Jaekyung hyung to train, but man, he really is going for it...." The exhausted boys complain while laying on their bed with their body aching from keeping up from Mr. Joo

"You're both doing an amazing job." I praise them.... Cause that what I can only do haha

"Haaaa, you too, doc ..." A tired man replied

"How you holding' up, potato? It's not easy keeping up with Jaekyung hyung, huh, this is what it means to be a world class kid...."

"Sure, but I can handle that.....the hardest part is how scary Jaekyung hyung's gotten."

"Earlier, when he almost got into a fight with the local coaches......that was nuts." Potato explain

"I know, right. I mean, sure, hyung always gets kinda edgy before his matches, but... This time it's a whole different level." The bleach guy said (dk his name)

"Dominic is pretty good, so that's part of it.... it's a lot of pressure. Plus this is a new environment. And then there's all that injury talk, on top of everything."

"It's all just made Jaekyung hyung even more of a maniac.... it's so hard trying to keep him happy!!"

"That's what I'm saying.... I feel like one wrong move, and I'll be the one on the chopping block!"

They talk/complain about how scary Jaekyung is,

"..... I envy you both."


"At least you're both incredibly useful to him, in a practical way." I said feeling down

"I... don't think I'm helping him nearly as much..... It makes me think w should have brought another team member in my place." I continue feeling depress at the thought

"What are you even saying, doc?!" They both sat up in surprise while saying the same thing at the same time

"This is your first match abroad too, so you must be super nervous.... And you're still keeping close watch over Jaekyung hyung 24/7 and making sure that all of his needs are met!" Bleach boy exclaim

"We'd have been lost without you, doc!" Potato said

"Y-you really think so..?"


Thank you all for the follow, vote and reading this FanFiction, and I'll try to upload every Friday keyword: try
Hehe, anyway I hope your having a good day, byeee~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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