Lord Brahma stories

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1》Why Lord Brahma married his own daughter Saraswati ?

Brahma is the creator of the universe. Saraswati, who became the wife of her own father, was actually the daughter of Lord Brahma.

There was a time when Lord Brahma was only alone when the cosmos did not exist. He longed for company. Accordingly he decided to split himself in to two parts, creating a feminine counterpart. As mythology mentioned her in the name of Sandhya , Brahmi or Saraswati who emerged from Brahma's mouth.

Brahma was attracted and fell in love with her. His longing for her increased and he stated continuously looking at her constantly. To avoid his gaze, Saraswati started moving from one side to another even flied on top but Brahma started looking towards her without turning his head, but creating heads all around, total of five heads. Brahma finally requested her to help him to create the Universe.

Saraswati as his wife helped Brahma to execute his plan accordingly and created the demigod Manu, who ultimately created the world. She is the mother of our language, Sanskrit as well as mother of the Vedas, texts of Hinduism.

Saraswati is known and worshipped as goddess of Knowledge. She is the creator of all creative arts, poetry, music and science. Saraswati appeared as a divine river and water deity.

Thus she is known as the goddess of fertility and purification. Word Saraswati means, one which flows, not only in the form of water but also in the form of knowledge.

Saraswati Puja is celebrated mostly by students as goddess for Education, Arts and Craft. She is also known as Bakdevi, Biraj, Sarada, Brahmi, Satarupa, Mahasweta, Sarbasukia, Prithudar and Bagiswari.


2》Why Lord Brahma is not worshipped ?

The legend says that in the beginning, Brahma only had one head. After Brahma created Saraswati, he became infatuated with her beauty and stared at her everywhere she went. To do so, he even grew heads to face the 4 directions. To escape his gaze, Saraswati tried jumping over his head, but Brahma grew a head on top of the others. Enraged at his misconduct, Shiva appeared and cut off his 5th head to put an end to Saraswati's misery and said that since even after being a Supreme god, his conduct was unholy so no living being would worship Brahma as a consequence. Since then, Brahma has been reciting the 4 Vedas from his 4 mouths in repentance.


3》Brahma and Gayatri

This is another story that tells us why Brahma is not Worshipped or why there are not many temples of Lord Brahma.

The story starts when Brahma, accompanied by his wife, Goddess of Wisdom, Saraswati, other Gods, and holy sages, prepares to sacrifice. However, Saraswati failed to attend the ceremony in time owing to some household chores.

Brahma sent a priest to convey to Saraswati that the time decided for the sacrifice was running out. The Goddess told the priest that she is yet to attend to several affairs before participating in the rites. Moreover, Parvati, Lakshmi, devi Ganga, Indrani, and wives of other Gods and sages were yet to arrive. Unless they arrived, she would not join the sacrifice.

The priest conveyed the same to Brahma. The Vedas said no man could perform any religious rites without being accompanied by his wife. On an impulse and in rage, Brahma had Indra fetch him any woman he could marry for the sacrifice. Indra found a maiden so he brought her to Brahma, other Gods, and sages. They named her Gayatri and got her married to Brahma.

Upon the sacrificial rites being completed, Saraswati came to the assembly to find Brahma wedded to someone else. Enraged by the disrespect, she cursed Brahma that no one would ever worship him on Earth except once a year. She cursed Indra to be confined in chains in a strange land. To Vishnu, she said, he would wander among men and cattle for a long long time after being born as one of those men. The sages were not spared either. She cursed the sages that they would always perform sacrifices in exchange for gifts.

After she left, Gayatri used her wisdom to modify the curses and promised many benefits to the Brahma worshippers. Later Vishnu and Lakshmi went after Saraswati to request her return. Saraswati gave in and returned to the assembly. Gayatri fell to her feet. That moved Saraswati, and she raised her and agreed to live with Brahma and Gayatri.

Gayatri agreed to the setup and requested Saraswati to be kind and protect her. The reconciliation thus ended successfully. However, Brahma still was not worshipped in temples because of Saraswati's curse.

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