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Present time

"Umm okay let go" Lisa said not letting the atmosphere to be sad"yes, let go"jennie join.

"Yes yes let go I don't want to miss the sale, let get it " Lisa cheer loudly
everyone chuckle seeing her craziness

Jungkook hold taehyung hand "let go, babe" He said "yes mamma let gooooo" taegguk sang the go part.

Taehyung chuckle seeing them trying to light his mood.

"Don't worry, I am okay, and also it been 5 months already, " Taehyung said flashing them his boxy smile.

(Yes, it already been 5 months, first 3 months taehyung always wake up screaming and crying in middle of the night, but jungkook and taeggukk was always with him to cheer him up sometimes Lisa and jennie will come and about those guys jungkook made sure they don't see the next morning )

"Let gooo" Trio scream taehyung chuckle "they are still kids" He shake his head and chuckle once again.

They went to many store, did many shopping, taeggukk and jungkook was just following taehyung everywhere, when someone look at him for even a second they start to glare or go to fight with them.

They did alot of fun, went to play, ate ice cream, chips, annoyed each other,

After four hours later

"I am so tired" Tae said laying on couch "me two" Jungkook join "me three" Taegguk join too.

"Let fresh up then take a nap, hmm" Taehyung said "okayy" Father son duo said.

Before taehyung even put a step he was lift in the air.

"Kookie, I can walk" Taehyung said being shy "and I can lift" Jungkook said with a grin.

Taeggukk just shake his head as it is a regular drama.

After taking a nap.

Tae was cooking in kitchen, "what are you cooking baby" jungkook said "yah you scared me" Taehyung said keeping his hand on his chest.

"Sorry babe" Taehyung hum "what are you thinking" Jungkook ask after seeing tae in deep thoughts.

"Nothing" Taehyung said washing his hands "baby are you hiding something from me" Jungkook said "no, kookie it just, taegguk principle called me" Tae said.

"Hmm so " Taehyung turn to face jungkook "kookie, ggukie principle call me to tell that ggukie hitted someone" Taehyung said.

"For what" Jungkook ask sliding his arm around tae waist " I don't know let's ask him" tae said

"Mamma" Taeggukk sang, hugging taehyung leg "let eat then talk" Taehyung whisper and jungkook nod.

After eating

Everyone was sitting on the couch,watching Ironman "ggukie" Tae stopped the movie and called "yes mamma" Taeggukk answer.

"Ggukie, principle called me, so why did you hit the kid" Tae question "mamma, I hit him because he said your pretty and want to marry you" Taegguk said.

"Isn't it good, bunny that your friends are praising mamma " Jungkook said ignoring the marriage part whispering to himself saying 'he is kid, I shouldn't hit a kid, I am matured and handsome man " No, mamma is mine and his father also said mamma is beautiful " taegguk said.

Possessive husband and sonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن