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We reached at 11 pm and I'm really really tired..not having courage to sit on couch..
Rishi , I'm going to sleep please wake me up at 4am.
Why so early? My highness.
Bcz i have to decide what i should create to represent and other preparation regarding it .

Sure! I'll do it for you.
Should i give u my headphone to listen music and sleep peacefully ?

Yaa ! Please.
Okay goodnight, have a rest.
And i slept but time flies so fast and i have a deep sleep i feel a soft voice in my dream .

Wakey! Wakey it's already 4am . Please open ur eyes.

I slowly open my eyes and see Rishi is standing in front of me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

He softly pull me out from bed and said " now finally get a chance to see such a beautiful sunshine"

Ummm I badly need a shower first I'll take it till please gather all my painting tools..

Ofcourse first have a coffee.

Ummm such a strong smell of coffee I'll love it.

Few moment later , when i came out rishi showed me his plan that he prepared whole night in tired condition and i really don't have any idea about it. I thought he was going to sleep but in real he wake up whole night for me.i was so surprised to see a supportive nature well i know he has very supportive nature but when he is showing me his preparation i get to know how lucky I'm.

Waving hands in front of face and said " where are u looking? Why always u lost in different world.

I think u should do pottery of ancient time and do artwork over it
It took two days to dry completely and need one more day to do ur artwork..

Yaa ! It's a good point.
Well we have to start now . We have plenty of time for it.

Yup , i knew it so carry all ur stuff and come with me .i know a perfect museum where we can do pottery silently without getting any disturbance

Yaa let's move now .

We arrived and reached our destination within a half hour.

And i tell him to search clay for pottery .

We finally find all the necessary stuff and get started alongwith each other

We finally find all the necessary stuff and get started alongwith each other

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
It's How Love Look Like!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن