02 | Welcome to high school

Start from the beginning

"...Thanks for the wonderful morning greeting, asshole," Olive sarcastically remarked, getting up from the floor.

"You'll be thanking this asshole eventually you'll see," Aspen pouted.

Olive only raised her middle finger at him before disappearing into her bathroom. Her mind was still fuzzy and her entire being still couldn't accept that fact she was going to school today.

She couldn't explain the dread she had weighing in her chest as she tried to prepare for school and look a little bit presentable, which meant resorting to the outfit Aspen had prepared for her the previous night.

He acts more like my mom than Mother ever did.

Before Olive could let her mind drift away into a daydreaming bliss, Aspen was quick to pull her out of it.

"Oh my days, you wore it," the tall brunette exclaimed, hands covering his mouth in shock.

Olive rolled her eyes but struck a pose anyway,

Aspen squealed before making a turn motion with his finger, Olive begrudgingly turned for him.

"Are we done?"

He held up a finger, "Sh, let me have this moment."

Olive couldn't help but chuckle at Aspen pretending to be a stage mom witnessing their child's first runway show.

A few seconds passed and Olive slouched back to her regular posture, "Alright, let's go, aren't we supposed to be late." she reminded, Aspen sighed but proceeded out of the house anyway.

It was an annoyingly sunny day, Olive thought. It wasn't comforting and it certainly wasn't reflecting what she was feeling inside. A gloomy, rainy, sea of clouds.

When she arrived at the school she dreaded so much, she wasn't surprised to see a very bleak one-floor building made of cement and brick. No fun color in sight.

I'll give it some credit, it doesn't look like a building from hell.

But looks can be deceiving

When they entered the school, it was filled with people her age, standing, sitting, and even lying by the hallway. It shocked the girl.

"Why are they sitting by the walls?" she whispered over to Aspen, whilst beginning to notice the stares she was getting. Probably for what she was wearing.

"You know what, I have no clue," Aspen answered before stopping in front of a room, "Well, this is AP English. The only class we don't have together because I'd rather dumpster dive into the pits of hell than take this class. Good luck, Oli!"

"No, Aspen, wai- and he's gone," Olive cursed under her breath as she fixed herself and walked into the classroom.

The classroom was filled with students just talking to their peers, looking like they came out of a Nickelodeon show with what they were wearing.

Olive couldn't help but groan knowing that she'll have to be greeted by this every morning for the next 5 months.

"And you are?" someone suddenly asked from her side. It was a bald man dressed like he was a teacher from the 90s.

He probably thinks it still is the 90s. Olive joked to herself.

"Olive Albrecht," she answered plainly.

The teacher's eyes widened and his posture became better at the mention of her name.

"You're Mrs. Albrecht's daughter, correct?"

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