|chapter six|

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"There is an art to poison not often discussed, and that is timing. Only a master can properly dose and administer for effective onset. One must take into account the mass of the individual as well as the method of delivery."




"So are you really not going to tell me what the hell you were doing that night when you came back twenty minutes after me?" Violet asks as we walk out of Professor Kaori's class.

      I clutch my books and journals closer to my chest as we pass by a few cadets heading for Dragonkind. "No, don't really feel like it. Besides, we need to drop these back in the women's hall before we head to the gym. Which reminds me," I add, side-glancing at my silver-haired friend, "are you prepared for today's challenge?"

     "Yes," she answers. "Gave him the dose at breakfast this morning. Just enough to make him uneasy, not enough to kill him."

     I look forward. "Still think you should rely more on combat training than poisoning your opponents," I grumble, taking a left and walking up the stairs to the women's hall. "You're not going to have the chance to have tea with a horde of Gryphon Fliers."

     I spot Dain Aetos walking with a woman with fiery red hair. Not like my auburn hair where it's neutral, almost considered to be brown—no, her hair is bright, natural red. And she looks oddly familiar like I've seen her before. I shrug, turning away and catching up with Violet. She's out of breath by the time we reach the floor, which is not good.

     "Why don't you come train with me?" I suggest as I shoulder the door to the women's hall open. There were only a few other cadets in here, some resting and others regrouping. "It'll help you build your stamina and your muscle."

     "You train in the morning," Violet says as she dumps her books on top of her cot. "I have breakfast duty, and I can't transfer out of that position because I need it to poison my opponents."

     I drop my head into my palms. "You won't have the chance to poison your opponents out there!" I whisper to make sure no one hears us. "Just—" I pause as she sits on her cot and readjusts the wrap on her knee. "Just promise me you'll let me train you when you have time, then." If she died in here, I don't know what I would do to myself.

     "Of course," Violet reassures me, placing a hand on my arm. "You can train me alongside Rhiannon and Sawyer." Right. Other members of our Squad are helping train her in exchange for her helping them with history.

     Some of the girls stare at us as we exit the women's hall and I can't help but notice that all have rebellion relics. I wonder if they plan on committing to what they wanted to do since the meeting in the forest, and whether Riorson could stop them from doing so.


The first few weeks of challenges have gone smoothly without any hiccups, Violet somehow winning hers, though I, of course, know that she's poisoning her opponents.

     I stand next to Ridoc and Rhiannon as Violet challenges a perfectly healthy opponent. I look around the room, to see if they got mixed up, but no, that's her. I would know since I am challenging her twin today, but her twin is nowhere in sight, which would mean Violet poisoned the wrong twin. 

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