He stared at her while, smiling, she spoke to the other two women, so carefree and happy: how could a man resist her? Randy himself couldn't.

"Cody." He replied, finally looking at him. "Act naturally and follow my lead."

As if I could do anything else Cody thought, but nodded the same to his friend. "I hope for you it's worthy it."

"It is." Randy said firmly. "It really is." He motioned to go and threw out the phone. "Pretend to be looking for a table, act clueless."

Following his instructions, Cody did as told, while Randy pretended to be busy with his phone. There was humor in all this, Randy was aware of it, just as he knew he was acting like a teenager for a girl being only twenty.

They 'casually' passed by the girls' table, succeeding in their aim of capturing their attention, or, at least, Maryse's.

The Canadian tugged Victoria's arm slightly and nodded towards the two men. "What are they doing here?"

"I have no idea..." The dark skinned woman replied, looking back at her friend. "Shall we call them?"

"Call who?" Sylwia asked, sitting with her back to them, she didn't understand who her friends were referring to. "Do I look too obvious if I turn around?"

Both Victoria and Maryse smirked, with the first one replying her. "You're going to find out soon, my favourite Polish!" The tall woman got up and waved an arm in the air, to get the two men's attention. "Cody! Randy!" She called.

Sylwia rolled her eyes and looked at Maryse, who was already looking at her. "The fuck..." The young blonde said, causing her friend to chuckle.

Randy and Cody turned in their direction, acting as surprised as possible. "Girls?" Cody spoke. "What a small world!" He couldn't help but comment, trying to make it sound as less sarcastic as possible. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Victoria pointed out. "Didn't take you guys this glamorous!"

"Well..." Randy chuckled, as he and Cody approached the girls' table, standing just behind Sylwia, who did not even bother to turn around. "Cody had a date nearly with his girl, but she apparently dumped him, so here we are, trying to drink about this little love delusion."

Cody shot him a dirty glance. Was he being for real? Couldn't he come up with a better excuse?

At his explanation, Sylwia laughed. "And were you going to be the third wheel?" She couldn't help but comment, causing both Maryse and Victoria to laugh too.

"Oh, look who's here!" Randy bent down slightly so he could look at her face. "Hello little girl, didn't recognise you."

Sylwia raised an eyebrow, looking totally unaffected while sipping on her drink. "Sure you didn't." She replied.

"Mind if we sit with you girls?" Randy asked, with Maryse who gestured them to take a seat.

Cody sat next to Victoria's free seat, while Randy, of course, sat next to the Polish girl, who, even at that moment, didn't even look at him.

"Is Mike coming too?" Cody asked to Maryse, who nodded.

"He will be here soon."

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