5. Wrong

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"This is not the one I wanted!! You always get the WRONG THINGS!!" Andrew had an angry tone as he tossed a frying pan at you on your arm, he threw it super hard making you cry. It felt like he broke your arm and you wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"I'm sorry but this one works just as good and it was even a litter cheaper so you saved some money! Plus I'm the one who cooks not you so why does it matter?" You asked through your cries holding your arm.

"IT MATTERS BECAUSE I EAT THE FOOD!! Plus, I'm wealthy as fuck so it doesn't matter how expensive or cheap something is!" He yelled at you. He took your shoulders, picked you up and threw you against the wall.

You almost fell unconscious but before you did you heard him yell one more thing.

"Buy me the right one tomorrow or I'll break your other arm as well" then he walked away leaving you alone almost fainting.

"So it's definitely not Daniel Rose" Spencer clarify's in the back of the SUV. We were on our way back to the station.

"Sorry what?" You asked quickly getting back from your thoughts.

"I said that it's definitely not Daniel since he was in Paris during the murders" Spencer repeats.

"Yeah, sorry" you nodded.

"It's okay, are you okay though?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, are you? You seem so off and who is this Arvin Davidson?" Morgan asks.

"I'm fine, just a little tired" you tried to act like nothing was wrong. "Arvin... he is... my dads friend" you lied but hopefully they wouldn't ask anything more about it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hopefully it's not him then" Morgan says.


You pulled up at the station. When you walked in only Rossi and JJ were there, Prentiss and Hotch were still with Arvin you assumed. You had never seen Andrews brother, you didn't even know if they were identical or not.

"Anything?" Rossi asks as you three came in.

"Nope, Daniel was in Paris during the murders so he is definitely not our unsub, how about you?" Morgan's answers.

"Nothing, Elton's sick mother was living in his house needing constant help, there's no way he could or even would wanna go out and kill plus he showed no signs of wanting to kill" JJ explains.

"Hopefully Hotch and Emily has something or else we're back to zero" you say sitting down next to JJ.

Just a couple minutes after Prentiss and Hotch walked into the station.

"Anything?" Spencer asks.

"Well, he is definitely guilty of something but not murder. He is too weak and afraid of that plus he just came home from a week at his parents house so he wasn't here during the murders" Hotch explains.

"Back to zero" you sighed picking up some files.

You started to think that maybe the profile was wrong in someway, maybe the unsub is a woman? No women don't usually do such violent murders. Maybe the unsub is in another age group? No it's too clear that he has had a relationship with someone in the victims age, you thought to yourself. The profile had to be right.

You remembered something though. "Wait guys, the unsub might not have been married, what if the women he's killing looks like an ex-girlfriend or someone who rejected him"

"That's true! But that only makes this harder, theirs no files or certificates on girlfriends or rejections" JJ tells the team.

"Social media, I mean if the unsub is killing because of an ex-girlfriend then he probably posted about her on social media before their breakup" Prentiss speaks.

"Call Garcia" Rossi commands and Morgan quickly called her.

"Babygirl, your on speaker" he says when she answers.

"Garcia, can you look into men in their late 20's who recently went through a breakup with a woman who looked like the victims? They might've posted about it on some social media" Prentiss asked.

"I can but that will take a long time, if I'm supposed to do that I have to go through every single name on the list and go through their whole social media and all their accounts" Garcia tells the team.

"We don't have a lot of time, the unsub just killed another woman, Sofia Ellies, 27 and looks just like the other victims." Hotch tells the team as he came into the room again. No one had noticed him slip out from the room.

You sighed, this case was going no where. No matter how hard you were thinking you couldn't think of anything. You sat down again next to Spencer, he probably noticed that you were a little tense because he secretly and gently put his hand on your thigh and gave it light comforting squeezes. It comforted you a lot making you relax more.

"Let's come back tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes, everyone get into the SUV's and let's drive back to the hotel" Hotch decided.

You took the SUV where Hotch was driving and JJ sat next to him in the front. You sat in the back next to Spencer. The ride was quiet, only hearing Hotch and JJ make a little small talk about the case with each other.

When Hotch parked outside the hotel the whole team quickly got inside to their hotel rooms. When you opened your hotel room you stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. In the mirror you saw the scars on your back, stomach and shoulders from those times Andrew had stabbed you, you realized Spencer hadn't noticed them when you hooked up with him last night, probably because it was dark and he couldn't focus on your stupid scars in that moment. You were happy he didn't notice the scars because you really didn't want to lie to him anymore.

The shower was warm and felt nice on the body, it relaxed you just like Spencer's hand on your thigh. Your shampoo smelled like roses and so did your conditioner as well. When you had rinsed it all out you stepped out from the shower and dried off.

You put on some pj-pants and an old t-shirt. Before going to bed you brushed your teeth, the minty flavor from the toothpaste filled your mouth.

In bed you decided to finish your lord of the rings book that you were reading now. You hoped that it would make your mind think about anything other then the case, Andrew or Spencer but it didn't.

Hi!! All the chapters are gonna be connected a lot I realized so yeah! Hope you like this<33

I'm sorry (Spencer Reid x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon