Me : Enough enough Aria because of you I became embarrassed infront of Vihaan !

Aria : Wtf? Vihaan heard my voice? My screaming? My shouting? My moans ? Everything???!

Me : Yes he listened to your everything means everything! Wait let me tell you he heard your voice including Aarav!

Aria : What the hell? Now I am embarrassed.How will I face him?

Me : Don't worry I have already handled the situation,you don't need to take tension

Aria : That's good ! Well I called you back because I wanted to take you to a restaurant

Me : Restaurant now?

Aria :Yes! I wanted to discuss something related to you so can you come to xx restaurant just for me ? Please

Me :Okay okay sure .Just tell me the timing

Aria: uhm after 1 hour ?

Me : Okay sure !

I said and ended the call .What she want to talk about ? I don't know anything because she is moody .She can change her mood within a second ! God knows I always handle her ! I sighed and went from the room .

After 1 hour ~

I came near the xx restaurant and went inside .I looked here and there and found Aria sitting at one of the corner table .I hurriedly went to her .

"Why did she choose this table ? It's so far away from all the people " I asked her because I started to feel like we are VIPs anyways I listened to her words .

"I already said right? I wanted to talk to you about something that's why I don't want anyone to hear us .Did you understand? "


I nodded my head at her statement .I guess this is a serious topic about me ? Recently I haven't done-

"Recently you saw him kissing her ex !!"

I became quiet at her sentence.Why she is again coming up with all these things ? I am trying to forget those memories but I guess I won't be able to do that .

"Why you want to talk about this Aria ?" I asked being serious

"First listen to me Kaira .I am again taking out this topic just because of you! So listen to me what I am saying !"

"Okay okay don't get angry Aria . Continue continue "

"So recently you saw him kissing his ex right? So all that thing happened and he said he was guilty right? And you forgave him easily ? Why ? Why are you like this Kaira ? Just tell me why! You know everytime,everytime he do something to you and you feel guilty for him and because of that thing inside you who make you feel guilty for him is your damn heart! Kaira everytime he says sorry ,you try to forgive him easily .Does he ever felt how you have went through all these years ? Tell me Kaira ? I know he was your bestfriend but he ever told you about anything what was going on between them ! "

I nodded my head in no


"He never told you about his private life right ? No never he didn't even told you anything about them ! You just know she is Ishita his ex -or who knows she can might be his gf now.Nobody knows anything.I am just awareing you Kaira,this world is so cruel ,you can't even trust on anyone .Let me ask you how many times you have cried for him after the marriage?"

"Many times " I whispered

𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈?

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