"Jibeom.. Jibeom.." Leia wakes Jibeom up.

"Huh? Leia..." Jibeom who is half asleep looks around.

"What time is it?" Jibeom asks.

"Jibeom, it's only left 5 minutes before the game ends. We have to go to the starting point before the game ends.." Leia says while giving Jibeom a flower she plucked and a letter she wrote for him.

"What?! Oh shoot! I haven't write anything for you!" Jibeom says, showing Leia a blank paper that he holds. He hasn't yet pick any flowers for Leia too. Leia has a small sigh.

"Right... you don't have anything to tell to me.." Leia says. She takes down her smile.

"Leia.. it's not like that.. I.. I'm sorry.." Jibeom apologises. He accidentally fell asleep.

"It's okay.." Leia says.

"Let's go.. the others are waiting.." Leia says, inviting Jibeom to go to the starting point with her.

"Wait, let me pick a flower for you, at least.." Jibeom says as he gets up.

"It's okay.. I don't want you to do something without your consent. We already failed our mission anyway.." Leia says then she walks away, leaving Jibeom behind. Jibeom feels guilty. He holds the flower and the letter that Leia gives really tight.

* * *

The 2nd task will be starting at the Lake Shrine. It's a telepathy game that will be played to see if the players know each other. For previous mission, only Jibeom and Leia failed the mission. The first winners were Joochan and Aya with 3 "Love Sparks" all and the second winning winners were Jaehyun and Hanni with 2 "Love Sparks" while Donghyun and Chaerin had 1 "Love Sparks".

Some of Serendipity staffs are waiting for all members at the checkpoint.

All couples are required to sit at the 4 tables set and each table has a staff that will be the mc of the game. The game is entitled "MindSync Moment" which all couple players have to answer all questions by writing their answers on a paper and show it to the mc without saying out loud their answers. However, they are required to answer all questions correctly. Whoever answers the question wrongly, the game stops and the couple will fail immediately. All couples take their seats. Between the couple, there is a boundary to avoid them from discussing or cheating. That means, they can only communicate through telepathy. It's made to test their feelings and relationships towards each other, whether they are meant to be couples or otherwise. The first winners will get 2 "Love Sparks" and the second winners will only get one while the others will get none. There are no special missions like the 1st task that will allow other couples to at least get one "Love Sparks".

Jibeom notices that Leia seems to be silent since the 1st task. Is she feeling dejected? Of course, she is.. right?

"Hello Participants Kim Jibeom and Jung Leia. Are you ready to start the game?" The mc asks.

"Yes.." both Leia and Jibeom answer.

"Okay.. since you have already know the rules, let's start now.
The first question : What is Kim Jibeom's favourite movie genre?" The mc asks. Both Jibeom and Leia begin to write their answers on the paper then they show their answers to the mc, without saying a word.

Kim Jibeom's answer : Action.
Jung Leia's answer : Action

Both of them succeed their first question.

"The second question : What is Jung Leia's favourite dish?" The mc asks. Leia begins to write her answer but Jibeom seems to stuck. What is Leia's favourite dish? He can't even remember!

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