"God, it feels so good to be back." I said, smiling.

"It's nice to have you back." Thea smiled.

"Boricua!" I heard, making me turn around and squeal when my feet left the floor.


Luis who is Damian Priest in our world, Luis and I have bonded over our Puerto Rican roots many times and have even visited the island together. He, Thea, and I are the only Puerto Rican wrestlers in WWE, a personal point of pride for me. I know that Karrion Kross has Puerto Rican roots but he doesn't lean into it much because it's far down the line for him. I was born on the island and it's where my heart is.

"How are you feeling?" Luis asked me, giving me a once over.

"I feel really good, happy to be back."

"That's really good, it's good to see you." he smiled.

"Catch you later."

"See you." he replied, kissing my cheek in the way that only Hispanics do.

"Are we going out tonight?" Thea asked.

"For sure!" I quickly replied.

"We've gotta talk about this some more." Michael said.

"Come on, we can talk about it tomorrow. We're all traveling together anyway." Thea argued.

"She's right. Let's go have some fun."

Once we got the green light to head out, all of us went to a bar nearby and just had a good night. We are responsible adults so we left early enough to be able to get a good night's sleep for the house show tomorrow. My first week back was fun, full of house shows, Thanksgiving dinner with the family, and then Smackdown before the big PPV event tomorrow night.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Carlitos asked me.

"I'm ready to be in a ring and hopefully that happens soon." I sighed.

"Representando a Puerto Rico." he smiled. (representing Puerto Rico)

"Boricua hasta la luna." I smiled back, fist bumping in when he held his hand out.

(boricua even on the moon)

"That's what I like to hear."

For tonight, there will be a promo from Carlitos in preparation for their match tomorrow night at Survivor Series: WarGames. A match they completely stole from NXT and I'm still peeved over it but damn do I want another one. Jorge and I are standing in the back watching Carlito do his promo until it's time for 'Santos' to make himself known.

His music hit and the two of us walked out to tremendous boos from the fans. I handed Santos the microphone and he started out speaking in Spanish. We made our way down to the ring and before I could walk to the stairs, Santos held his arm out to stop me. He said it was something 'he needed to do alone', which was part of the storyline for tonight. The two of them got into a fight and I pushed Santos up the ramp when they got separated and I nudged him back to go through the crowd for an attack.

I ran back down the ramp and grabbed Santos, both of us walking backward up the ramp with smirks on our faces. When they finally got Carlitos backstage, Santos attacked him again and was subsequently attacked by Dragon Lee. They got separated and when Dragon Lee tried to attack again I stood in front of Santos just smiling at him.

"Go away." I said, escorting Santos away.

We went to catering after that to just enjoy our time left for tonight. I'm not quite sure why this is the angle they took since Carlitos isn't really injured. I guess he just doesn't want to do a full match so now it'll be Santos Escobar vs Dragon Lee. Whatever, it's all fine by me.

"Okay, how are you feeling now that you're back?" Jorge asked as we sat at the hotel bar.

"I'm so fucking happy to be back. Ya estaba loca por volver." I sighed as he laughed.

(I was crazy to come back)

"Me imagino." he said. (I can imagine)

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I'm so ready, I love how we're representing latinos now. We're not an afterthought anymore. Eddie and Rey and Savio and all of them started this and now we're continuing to keep it strong. We're doing it right." he smiled.

"You're happy." I said, sitting back in my chair.

"I am, muy feliz con lo que tengo." (very happy with what I have)

"That's nice to see."

"Y tu?" he asked me. (and you)

"I'm content for the moment, I want more and I've gotta earn it again."

"Solamente contenta? Y tienes pareja?" (Only content? Are you dating?")

"No tengo tiempo para eso." I scoffed and it made him laugh. (I don't have time for that)

"You make the time if it's important enough. That's what you told me." he smirked.

"I did, I guess I haven't met someone who's important enough. What about you? Are you dating?"

"No time." he laughed.

"Jorge ..."

"I know." he said, rolling his eyes.

"What happened to your girlfriend?"

"She couldn't handle this life, I wasn't home enough." he sighed.

"It happens, that's pretty much why I'm single. I'd rather be single than have a long-distance relationship and be cheated on by someone who can't handle this." I said.

"Did you miss me?" he asked, laying his hand over mine.

"Jorge ..." I sighed.

"It's just a question." he said softly. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." I admitted.

"I never should have left without you." he sighed.

"It's fine ... it's business." I said, knowing that weighed on him for a long time.

"Debi esperar por ti o pelear para que te fueras con nosotros." he argued.

(I should have waited or fought for you to come with us)

"Jorge, no tengo problema con eso. Tu estabas listo, ustedes estaban listos, yo no."

(I don't have a problem with that. You were ready, you guys were ready, I wasn't)

"You were and you know it. That's water under the table now. I did miss you, more than you know." he said, cupping my cheek.

While we worked together in NXT we dated but when he got sent to the 'main shows' we both decided to break up and focus on our respective careers. We didn't stop caring about each other, we didn't stop loving each other, we just chose to prioritize our own careers. We were aware that with his crazy schedule, we weren't going to be able to see each other a lot. It was a decision that was difficult to make but at that time, we both agreed to it.

"I don't want to lose you again." he added.

"We should talk in private." I said, noticing people watching us.

"They're going to be rumors anyway." he smiled.

"Yes, but this is something we should talk about just the two of us." I smiled back.

"Tienes razon." he chuckled. (you're right)

We ended up going to his room and as soon as the door closed, he pressed me against the door and kissed me.

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