not a movie

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And suddenly iy's a quarter after two in the morning and I'm overcome with the idea of running across campus in the cold rain and throwing rocks at his window and telling him how much I care. How I understand what he's going through and how he feels. That I've tried so fucking hard to not care, to not have feelings and I find myself unable to shake them no matter how much I try to wish them away. 

Throwing rocks at his window might work in a 90's rom com and a good chick flick might end in a happily ever after when you confess your feelings to a friend who was once almost more and somehow also once not a friend at all. 

But unfortunately for me, no matter what he says? 

Life's not a movie. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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