After the Honeymoon

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It's been five months since Elena has passed.

Alaric and Damon have not spoken to each other or anyone else for the matter. Caroline and Stefan have gotten back on track trying find happiness in their own relationship since their hunt for Lily has began. Jeremy has returned to Mystic Falls with a new agenda after the destruction that Lily has caused on her spree since finding here heretics.

Throughout this time we see the horror that Heretic have caused in the killing of innocent civilians much to the anger of Matt Donovan

Jeremy has not been able to track her sireline and instead makes plans to kill the Mikaelsons in order to rid the world of vampires. No longer wishing to communicate with Damon and Stefan or Caroline, his hatred for the vampires has rooted from the loss of his sister.

In a meeting with Matt Donovan who is now the sheriff, he relays his plans in hopes to gain support, but Matt's heart belongs to Rebekah and this will end a friendship between the two. Soon after Jeremy reveals he has recovered three white oak stakes that Esther had hidden in the Mikaelson Mansion, Matt Donovan's fears have been affirmed.

Since drinking from Rebekah's blood, Matt's vitality has become more crastic and the two get into a brawl outside the Mystic falls grill to which Enzo appears and reminds Matt he is the sheriff now and can't be seen getting into brawls off duty, he questions the whereabouts of Damon and Alaric to which he is guided that Damon has become a recluse living in the Salvatore boarding house and Alaric has been hospitalized due to liver issues from drinking since the loss of Jo. He is able to stop Matt from being slain by his former friend and the two part ways as Jeremy's hunt begins.

Alaric refuses the blood of any vampires and wishes to die. His days in a convalescent unit of the Hospital have seem to worsen as he deals with memories of Jo haunting him, Enzo uses this leverage to get Damon out of the house to visit Alaric as the two have not seen each other in so long.

Thankfully their reconciliation encourages Alaric to keep going and Damon realizes he has not been fair to the only woman who pulled him out of depression, Bonnie. Damon goes to Shelia Bennett's house now belonging to Bonnie, he opens the door now as a human and sees Bonnie setting the table and she is turned away from him sobbing and he begins to cry, apologizing for not keeping in touch and his adjustment to being human and most all not being there for his Bon Bon, slowly Bonnie turns around to reveal a pregnant Belly.

The screen fades to black as Truth is by Fantasia plays in the background

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