Chapter 2: Post-Bite Process

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The weekend went by in a snap, nothing very important happened that day, but today was the day, the day of the Oscorp field trip, Peter was ecstatic, and Harry on the other hand, was dreading the day.


The Alarm clock shouts and shouts, and shouts, over and over again until Peter eventually awakes, he quickly jumps out of his bed and runs out his door into the guest room where Harry is peacefully sleeping.

Peter "Harry. Harry. It's time to get up, today is the field trip!"

Harry groans with displeasure, he gets out of his bed and walks to the upstairs bathroom, Peter runs back to his room, as fast as a speeding bullet Peter gets his clothes on and backpack ready, he puts his glasses on his drowsy face and walks out his room and stands in front of the bathroom door.

A Few Minutes Later

Peter "Harry C'mon, we gotta go..."

Harry while half asleep "How about I stay home today, I'm not feeling the best and I can go to Oscorp anytime I like."

Peter "Are you sure?"

Harry "Yeah yeah go ahead... have fun for me alright?"

Peter "ok Harry, I will! See ya later!"

Peter rushes down the hallway and the creaky stairs, to the living room, he quickly runs to the kitchen and notices both Ben and May are still asleep. Peter grabs his lunch out of the fridge bolts out of the house, and sprints to school, in front of the school are 4 very large buses, he sees his 1st-period class standing in front of one of the buses. Mrs. Nelson is counting the students she has, Peter quickly gets in line.

Mrs. Nelson "Parker, get with your group, how many times do I have to tell you kids that?"

Peter "Uh Mrs. Nelson... Who is in my group?"

Mrs. Nelson "Jesus Parker... You, Cindy, Ripley, Paul, Carl... get with them."

Peter runs over to his group, Ripley Ryan, one of Peter's very good friends, Cindy Moon, Mary Jane Watson's best friend, Paul Sidorsky, the dungeon master at the school D&D Club, Carl King, a common school Jock who failed 9th grade 3 times, Peter was not fully happy with his group but it is what it is.
The moment the group entered the bus, Peter sighed with relief, he felt his burden of making it to the field trip had been lifted, Peter and Ripley sat next to one another on the bus, Ripley sat at the window looking at different license plates on the cars on the streets of queens, then Brooklyn, then finally the beautifully lit up streets of Manhattan,

Ripley "I wonder if we will go past Grand Central Station, Stark tower was built on top of it, I've always wanted to see it up close..."

Peter "No... I don't think so... Oscorp is on the opposite side of Manhattan, but... we will see the Roxxon power plant, so that's pretty cool!"

Carl King from the seat Q e-bike Peter and Ripley "It would be cool if Jones would pay his employees, my pops has been working at that plant for months now and he's being paid minimum wage... it's ridiculous, for what he does he deserves a lot more!"

Ripley "Well what does your father do?"

Carl "He designed the electricity conductors in the plant, and he maintains them daily!."

Peter "Jeez, you are right, he does deserve more..."

Ripley "For one sorry for interrupting, but I think we are here!"

Peter looks out the window to see a building the size of a giant, and a green/purple logo can be seen at the top.
The buses stop at the front entrance to the building, and the students all walk out of the bus and stand in their groups, the front doors open swiftly, and out walks Norman Osborn, the founder and CEO of Oscorp, Norman walks and greets the kids of Middleton High, he walks over to Peter and gives him an embrace.

The Glorious Spider-Man Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora