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Lucy had just been at The Wheel, a bar that college students often frequented. She and her friends were about to graduate from college and were celebrating that they had made it.

Thats when the world went to shit.

Lucy was in the bathroom when she heard screaming. She wasnt super drunk, as she wasnt a fan of being so drunk she was unable to function. Lucy hitched up her black mini skirt and flushed the toilet, quickly running her hands under the water. Normally she would thoroughly wash her hands, but the screaming wasnt the normal yells for drunk young adults. Something was wrong.

As Lucy exited the bathroom she was met with people screaming and running, pure chaos.

She tried to find her friends amidst the chaos, As she pushed her way through people, she finally caught a glimpse of her friend Aubrey. Lucy and Aubrey had met each other on the move in their freshman year and had been inseparable ever since.

As Lucy went to shout to catch her friends' attention she was halted as a man pounced on Aubrey, biting into her neck. The man was rabid. Lucy screamed in shock, catching Aubrey's attention.

As tears streamed down Aubrey's face she yelled for Lucy to go, and save herself.

Lucy pivoted on her heel and ran towards the exit. From there she continued to run, her many years of training on the women's lacrosse team helped push her until she reached the city limits. Her body was radiating a panic scent, her inner wolf longed for an alpha to scoop her up and tell her everything would be ok.

She tried to breathe, yet nothing helped.

Days went by painstakingly slow and Lucy was still all alone. She had taken refuge inside a CVS.

She was sitting against one of the shelves when she heard the door creak open. She perked her head up and listened intently as a single pair of footsteps made their way about the store. Lucy tried to make sure her body didnt send out distress signals, as it would alert the other person that she was there.

As much as she tried, her body disobeyed and she whined. She heard the footsteps halt momentarily before making their way towards her. She whined again and curled into a ball.

A rugged man turned around the corner.

He had been searching the store for medications and food when he picked up the scent of the distressed omega. His inner wolf took control immediately, leading him to the omega.

Once they made eye contact both of their wolves yelled, Mate

Lucy whimpered and reached for the man who made his way towards the upset girl. He kneeled in front of her and cautiously reached out to touch her. The immediate shock between the two signified what their wolves were already telling them. They were mates. She lunged towards the older man and wrapped her arms around his neck. He stiffened, not ready for the contact, yet he let out calming pheromones, trying to calm his mate down. She looked half his age. How could they be mates?

Hi mega. The man gruffly said.

Hi, Lucy said. She began to get shy and backed up slightly out of the man's arms. Im sorry

Its ok. Whats your name?


Hi, Lucy. M Daryl.

Lucy looked down at her lap. Hi Daryl

Its rude to not look at who you're talking to, Daryl said, though he didnt mind. He found his mates shy personality to be cute. Not that he would say it out loud.

Im sorry Daryl, Lucy said looking at him.

He gave her a smile that was barely visible before standing up and extending her his hand.

I have to finish checking this building, and then we can go home. Ok?

Lucy smiled and took his rough, calloused hand. Ok


Lucy and Daryl had made their way back to the group. He killed the engine of his brothers motorcycle and got off, Lucy following after. It had gotten dark and Lucy could see a group surrounding a low fire.

Lucy looked up to her alpha for reassurance, as she began to become nervous. He grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

He led her over to the fire and as they got closer, the new arrival had gotten the attention of the members. He sat down beside a redneck man with a square face and short hair. Lucy sat down beside him, leaving little to no space between the two.

Who is this hottie little brother? The rough man on the other side of Daryl said.

Daryl let out a soft growl towards his brother. This is Lucy. Shes mine.

Mine. Lucy felt a warm pool in her lower stomach as her mate claimed her as his in front of strangers, even to his brother.

You found yer mate? His brother said, raising a brow. She seems a little young for you brother

Shes mine, Daryl said gruffly. merle put his hands up in a sarcastic surrender and laughed.

Hello Lucy, its nice to meet you. Im Dale. an older man said, smiling at the anxious girl.


Lucy spent the rest of dinner time meeting the other members. She yawned, tired from today's activities. This caught Daryl's attention.


Mhm, Lucy mumbled, rubbing her tired eyes. The children had been sent to get a while ago, and now it was Lucys turn to go to sleep.

Come on, Daryl said, standing up. The smaller girl followed suit, trailing slightly behind her alpha.

Daryl Lucy said.


Are you sure its ok that Im here?

Yes, darlin. You're fine to be here.

Daryl opened the tent he shared with his brother and nodded in the direction of one of the sleeping bags.

You can have my sleepin bag, He said.

Are you sure? Lucy questioned. She didnt want to be a burden to Daryl.

Yes mega go to bed, Daryl answered, coaxing the girl into the warm sleeping bag. The older man sat there and pet her hair as she slowly closed her eyes.

Daryl? she mumbled


Please dont go.

Daryl smiled slightly, before laying down beside the girl. Im not going anywhere.

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