24 | in the middle of the betrayal

Start from the beginning

''It means they could've told Annie where to attack,'' Armin explained.

''What?'' Sasha asked. ''Why would they do that?''

''Hey, wait a second, Armin,'' Eren interjected. ''You can't go and—''

''I'm aware, Eren.'' Hange cut him off. ''Circumstantial evidence alone doesn't prove anything. That's why I want you to tell me how those three interacted during training. Remember anything?''

''I knew Reiner and Bertoldt grew up together, but they weren't friends with Annie,'' Armin said.

''Yeah. I don't remember seeing those two talk to Annie very often,'' Eren added.

Y/n nodded, looking at Hange. ''Annie never really talked to anyone, though. Not even with us in the barracks. But she was nice to me during the Trost attacks. She tried comforting me.''

''In the mess hall, Annie would always sit by herself and eat silently,'' Sasha added. ''Oh! I remember something! I heard that she had a sweet tooth even though she was always so serious!''

''I . . . don't remember anything,'' Mikasa said.

''Well . . . After training together, I find it hard to doubt them,'' Eren said. ''Bertoldt is quiet, so he's one thing, but Reiner was like a big brother to us, and he's not the deceptive type.''

''Besides, it doesn't make sense,'' Y/n continued. ''When me, Armin, Jean and Reiner attacked the Female Titan, she almost squished Reiner in her palm. Why would she almost kill her subordinate?''

Armin's eyes widened and he and Y/n made eye contact. ''Reiner got away from her, but Annie suddenly changed course after that and ran straight to where Eren was. I . . . Shortly before that, I mentioned Erin's position at the read of the center rank, but Annie shouldn't have been able to hear me.''

''Did Reiner seem unusually interested in Eren's position?'' Hange asked.

Armin's eyes widened even more, if possible. ''It couldn't be . . . I only mentioned Eren's position because Reiner specifically asked me about it. And on top of that, after Reiner escaped, the Female Titan stared at her palm. He could have written a message on her hand with his blades. Reiner could have . . .''

Hange ordered everyone not to let Reiner and Bertoldt in on their suspicions nor mention Annie's name.

What the fuck is wrong with this unit?


After the Scouts rescued Connie, Reiner, Bertoldt, Ymir and Christa — now Historia, apparently — everyone was brought back to Wall Rose. Ymir was in a dreadful condition from what Y/n could see. Y/n and Sasha stood by as Mikasa helped Connie up the wall. He still didn't have his gear on, but Y/n was glad to have her ODM on her sides. It made her anxiety quiet down, even if just a little.

''Thanks, Mikasa,'' Connie said as he was fully on top of the wall.

''Are you hurt?'' Mikasa asked.

''I'm fine,'' Connie said. ''Reiner's arm got bit, though, and Ymir is over there with only half her limbs.''

''I never would have imagined that Ymir was also a titan.''

Y/n's eyes widened. She and Sasha shared a look as Sasha said, ''What—''

''Sasha, Y/n.'' Mikasa gave them a look. I'll tell you later. Y/n wanted to laugh. Ymir was a titan, too, much like Eren. Seriously. Just how many special people was I training with?

''Everyone made it up?'' Hange asked as they approached them. ''We can worry about Ymir later. And Connie . . . I'll have a Survey Corps squad sent out to your village soon. For the time being, I want you to focus on the mission. Can you do that?'' They put a hand on his shoulder.

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now