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It was so silent. Wonderful if you ask me.
But it felt like it wasn't suppose to be silent. I don't know if thats just a feeling,
I hope it is. I couldn't open my eyes but memories started to flash back in.
I was at the club and my seat got taken away.
And then...
I honestly have no idea.

At first I wasn't able to open my eyes but after a while I finally could open them a little bit.
I was in a hospital room and next to me was a guy.
Do I know this guy?
I didn't think so but then I remembered that he was the guy that called the ambulance for me.
Why would he do that tho?
He was staring at his phone and didn't seem to notice that I was awake.

Then a nurse walked in. I didn't understand a word she was saying but I was pretty good at lip reading so I could pick up some lines.
"... deaf ... hearing ... sensible ... not completly ... time"
I puzzled for a while and came to the conclusion that my hearing will come back. Well I hope it does, otherwise I would have some serious problems.
I can't even use sign language.

Then I noticed that everyone was looking at me. I didn't really know what to do so I just waved with a little smile.
Then the nurse started asking something. I tried to read her lips again, which worked great this time.
"Girl ... unidentifiable ... you ... boyfriend"
Was she thinking that he was my boyfriend.
Really weird.
It's also weird that he stayed here.
I mean he dosen't even know me?
I saw a pencil and paper on my night desk so I took it and started writing with it.
I really needed to think of what to write first since I had lots of questions for both of them.
After a bit of thinking I started writing: What happend?
I know that's boring and basic but I really had no idea of what's going on.
I showed it to both of them and the nurse took it out of my hands to write back.
" You have very sensible hearing and it looks like your ears have found it to loud so they got deaf for an extention of time.
It's not forever but it will take a few months to get full hearing again."
I was shocked.
That's not good at all, I mean I thought it would be for a day but months?!
How am I going to go to work?
What if there's an alarm and I can't hear it?
I tried to keep my cool and wrote another question.
"What do I do know?"
The lady read it and smiled.
Was this a joke to her?
She wrote something and handed the paper to me.
" This gentleman said that he could teach you sign language so you can comunicate a bit better."
I looked at him, shock in my face.
I mean why would he do that, i'm a stranger for him and he's a stranger to me.
He took the paper and pencil out of my hand and wrote something.
I hope it's and explanaition because I really need one.
" I know this is confusing to you but I teach sign language and I could help you normalise your life a bit."

Still weird If you asked me but it's better that not being able to comunicate. The nurse took the paper one last time and wrote that I should take my painkiller and go to sleep so it can work proberly.
And thats what I did

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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